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| is a German amateur experimental chemistry board. The name means "enlighten".
The forum was created in may of 2006 as a magazine of which was acoompanied by a temporary forum. The earliest capture of the page is archived on the wayback-machine here. In oktober 2006 the page moved to the domain it has today, the earliest capture of the page is archived here.[1]
The board is divived into different sections. The main ones being:
- Illumina-Artikel (Articles)
- Show-Experimente (Demonstration experiments)
- Organik/Anorganik (Organic/inorganic)
- Synthesen (Synthesis)
- Naturstoffsynthesen (Synthesis of natural compounds)
- Analytik (Analytics)
- Historische Experimente (Historic experiments)
- Biologie (Biology)
- Physik (Physics)
- Nützliches (Useful things)
- Namensreaktionen (Named reactions)
- Versuche für Kinder & Eltern (Experiments for children and parents)
- Elemente und Stoffe (Elements and compounds)
- Grundoperationen im Labor (Basic operations in the lab)
- Publikationen (Publications)
- Chemie und Physik (Chemistry and physics)
- Allgemeines zur Chemie (General chemistry)
- Anorganische Chemie (Inorganic chemistry)
- Organische Chemie (Organic chemistry)
- Spezielle Chemie (Special chemistry)
- Chemikalien (Chemicals)
- Toxikologie (Toxicology)
- Laborgeräte (Equipment)
- Elektronik (Electronics)
- Spielwiese (Playground)
- Artikelschmiede (Articles in progress)
- Mikrobiologie (Microbiology)
- Mikrobiologie (Microbiology)
- Sonstiges (Other)
- Offtopic
- Offtopic in English
- Bücherkritik (Bookreview)
- User-Vorstellungen (User-introductions)
The article section resembles the prepublication board on ScienceMadness and is aimed at formatted write-ups on the respective topics, while the chemistry and physics section contains mostly discussion threads.