Ultimately you have current doing useful work and I2R including waste heat just maintaining the melt temperature. I think what you are
saying is that running the cell with the wasted electrolysis power keeping the melt hot would be more efficient. You may or may not be right. You
are right that pulsing the power would waste energy.
Let's assume instead that the controller balances the steady current against the melt temperature. That's probably the lowest electrical power for a
given rate of sodium production... But only for that level of insulation. If more insulation is removed the cell might run at higher current and less
sodium metal might be lost through diffusion. Or the cell might be unstable through hydrogen explosions.
If you have a good high current power supply it makes sense to use as much current as possible or you waste the value. Twice the sodium produced at 3
times the cost could still be more value in a given unit of time even though the sodium costs more.
Most people just trying the experiment will probably be unable to keep the melt with the electrolysis supply they have and all the insulation they can
throw at it. They need a method of melting the solid hydroxide at the start of the experiment anyway.
Optimising the process would probably benefit from several years of experimental results and a chemical engineering degree and would also look at
electrode wear, cell life, cost of new parts and number of deaths per ton of sodium produced.
I'm starting to waffle, but my point is that it's easy to make a theoretical plan that ignores the big picture and often gets swamped by practical
problems. I succeeded in producing sodium on a small scale and failed scaling up to produce anything visible. I will probably try again knowing much
more now, but almost 2 decades on I'm not in love with going back to the fumes and sore eyes (behind goggles) bad electrical contacts and explosions
and loss of skin and everything corroding. |