Wouldn't it be wise to mention to those not skilled in the arts that some metals are harmful if the wine is ingested? Considering the fact many metals
will be dissolved to some degree in the wine especially with an applied voltage. Wine will dissolve at least traces of many metals even without an
applied voltage. Ag, Au, Pt would be fairly safe electrodes. Drinking a strong solution of Cu not so much. Or am I just being overly cautious? I
realize hissingnoise you are not talking about direct electrolysis but beginners might be inclined to think it was OK unless at least some mention is
made of possibly bad outcomes if they go sticking electrodes in the wine cavalierly. I don't think it is stated clearly enough that a field is created
with high tension electrodes placed around (outside) the bottle. The impression of direct electrolysis comes from the thread title "Running current
through wine".
In Rome they often sweetened wine with lead, I do not recall the outcome being all that helpful. Seems it drove some to fiddling while burning down
the neighborhood.