calamus - 6-7-2010 at 13:18
i hope someone could explain me when I'm analyzing a plant material for carbohydrates , lipids , phenolic compounds , flavonoids or protien "total"
how i express these data as total carbohydrates was 20 mg/1g DW (dry weight) and some times FW (fresh weight)
psychokinetic - 6-7-2010 at 13:34
You just did.
20mg/g DW or
20mg/g FW or
20mg/g average concentration over FW+DW etc.
As long as you state what FW and DW mean, and how they are decided upon.
calamus - 7-7-2010 at 00:45
hi psychokinetic ,
thanks for replying yes i said it is represented as FW or DW
but i wanna understand how we reach these values from say 1 g of plant material fresh or dry and extracting it by a solvent say 20 ml and then
measuring it on spectrophotometer and obtaining concentration from standard curve we prepared
then expressing the data as values mentioned 20 mg/g
psychokinetic - 7-7-2010 at 13:28
Oh, I think I see what you mean. Sorry!
You want to show how 1g/20ml of test solution comes up with the end result of 20mg/g x?
Hmm. Unfortunately I'm not sure on that one, though it may be easier to figure out if I was actually doing it
calamus - 14-7-2010 at 10:14
thanks psychokinetic
i'll will try to resolve that