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Folder This post is topped Great Online Chemistry Texts for the Beginner and the Curious! (Pages:  1  2  3  4) franklyn 93 170236
8-7-2024 at 03:43
by *phazed_out*
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Folder This post is topped FREE Online Journals (Pages:  1  2  3  ..  7) chemoleo 167 153665
9-4-2016 at 17:24
by pdm55
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Folder freebasing hydroxylamine vertexrocketry 8 594
27-3-2025 at 18:34
by FableP
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Folder Elemental sulfur from CS2 Eithern 21 780
25-3-2025 at 20:02
by Precipitates
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Folder Hexamine Chemgineer 2 183
23-3-2025 at 13:14
by Chemgineer
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Folder Dithionite from product with naco3 deadrush 9 274
19-3-2025 at 08:50
by bnull
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Folder Sulfate of potash fertiliser. Chemgineer 5 252
18-3-2025 at 00:36
by MrDoctor
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Folder looking for path from Acetic acid to Gylcine OrthancsChemist 4 249
16-3-2025 at 05:20
by phlogiston
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Folder FIRST POST! Stocking my first lab - What else do I need, and at what cost? imidazole 20 1028
13-3-2025 at 03:47
by Mateo_swe
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Folder Storage of pine oil and beta pinene. Chemgineer 9 367
11-3-2025 at 10:25
by walruslover69
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Folder Creating a Reagent Sourcing Database? imidazole 2 188
6-3-2025 at 10:11
by imidazole
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Folder Bicarbonate to carbonate; strange low yield? Fulmen 5 355
1-3-2025 at 15:25
by bnull
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Folder Purple Oil.... DraconicAcid 2 275
28-2-2025 at 08:25
by DraconicAcid
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Folder Whey protein precipitation? Fantasma4500 1 172
23-2-2025 at 04:30
by Tsjerk
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Folder SiO2 + Na thermite reaction? (Pages:  1  2) NickBlackDIN 27 2847
11-2-2025 at 14:34
by Acetyl
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Folder Sodium percarbonate for neutralizing acids? Conure 5 624
11-2-2025 at 12:57
by chempyre235
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Folder thumbup.gif Water Filter Savings - Math Help Yttrium2 15 1826
10-2-2025 at 11:28
by thrax
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Folder chlorates and perchlorates in australia (Pages:  1  2) vertexrocketry 25 1533
10-2-2025 at 10:39
by metalresearcher
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Folder metalware for water distillation ? Sulaiman 9 764
9-2-2025 at 11:12
by markx
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Folder Ammonia from ammonium bicarbonate ? Sulaiman 13 1419
9-2-2025 at 10:35
by Bedlasky
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Folder How to make a smoke match or smoke paper j_sum1 7 583
9-2-2025 at 03:30
by Axt
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Folder Oxidation of iron to iron(II/III) with copper sulfate ludemas19 5 550
7-2-2025 at 12:32
by chempyre235
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Folder What is it about nitrogen? ErikSedell 3 433
6-2-2025 at 23:50
by ErikSedell
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Folder Red solution from gold processing, WTF is it ? Sulaiman 13 30668
31-1-2025 at 05:30
by bnull
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Folder What happens here (Heating K2S2O8) ? metalresearcher 2 387
29-1-2025 at 16:10
by kmno4
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Folder Understanding Formality RU_KLO 3 413
29-1-2025 at 00:11
by woelen
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Folder Destroying Oxalate DraconicAcid 12 961
26-1-2025 at 14:46
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Folder How do you store chemicals in inert gas? Conure 6 649
16-1-2025 at 19:00
by Dr.Bob
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Folder Hypochlorites - What does available chlorine mean? mycotheologist 6 6651
12-1-2025 at 05:12
by woelen
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Folder Sulfuric acid from sulfur dioxide and nitric acid. Chemgineer 10 3774
5-1-2025 at 18:53
by chloric1
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