Gas washing bottle
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A gas washing bottle is a lab device whose primary use is to inject a stream of gas through a liquid, in a closed flask.
A gas washing bottle consists of a (usually) cylindrical bottle/flask with a female ground glass joint, where a specialized male ground glass joint stopper with two glass tubes can be attached. The stopper has two external glass tubes, one enters the stopper from one side, taking a 90° angle and extends until near the bottom of the flask, while the other is connected directly to the stopper. Some special types of gas washing bottles have a fritted glass.
Dreschel washing bottles are the most common model.
How to use a gas washing bottle
To properly use a gas washing bottle, you must do the following:
- Place the gas washing bottle in a secure place
- Fill the bottle with the choice liquid
- Grease the joints
- Connect the tubing to the 2 external glass tubes from the bottle, with the gas entry tube to the long tube, and the gas exit to the shorter tube.
- Begin pumping gas through the bottle
Can be bought from lab suppliers and online.
DIY gas washing bottle
A simple gas washing bottle can be made by inserting two tubes through a silicone rubber stopper or some other type of stopper, with the entry tube longer than the exit tube and place the said stopper in a flask or tube opening.
Gas washing bottles are commonly used to remove gaseous side-product from reactions or to dissolve various gasses in liquids, to make a solution.
Gas washing bottles can also be filled with a drying agent like calcium chloride and used as a drying tube.