Putting in an order at my local supply by thursday.
This is what I'm ordering so far but if anyone wants a liter of ACS Benzene I can do it for $50 per liter including
shipping. It could take up to a week or I may get it that day. Payment would need to be by PayPal but there's also a lot more I can get as long as it
doesn't make my order look odd. I can't ship conc. Nitric acid.
But ACS grade metal salts, some organics, nitrites and nitrates ... Just let me know and I'll look it up. Selling at cost plus actual shipping which
will be fed ex ground. or I have lots of stuff in stock now all either lab or ACS grade your more than welcome to test me out for trust or honesty but
my goal after this is to try an get enough people together so I can order a kilogram of potassium metal but I need 11 people to put down $100 and in
return you would get 75g shipped. I know that sounds like a lot but there no way to get it cheaper.<hr>
I wish I could give out more but i have to pay for 11 ground parcels to get everyone their potassium. Buying smaller than a kilo is just not worth it
but please look around and try to find 11 people wanting 75g of potassium. I've looked all over and pretty sure it's the best deal. It's just an idea
now but it would all be done by PayPal you would have have a choice to cover the fees or send as family/friend and that'll save you a few bucks. I
have a 10+ year 100% positive feedback and zero complaints.<hr>
Feel free to add ideas and I'm willing to do whatever to prove I'm not a scam artist. I own several businesses. Welding and fabricstion, metal art,
ebay chemical resale...
My Order so far:
Nitric Acid 70% solution, ACS, 2.5L $65
Hydrochloric Acid, 37%, Reagent, 4L, $45
Hydrogen Peroxide, 35%, Lab, 1L, $25
Benzoic Acid, Crystal, Lab, 500g, $35
Benzene, ACS, 1000ml, $50
Iron Metal Filings, Oil Free, 500g $15
Benzene, Lab, Amber Bottle, 500mL $20
Potassium Thiocyanate, Lab, 100g $12
Ethanol, Absolute, Anhydrous, 1L $25
I'm also attaching a pdf of reagents I have available in small to large quantities to maybe sell or trade in your required amounts. What I need is
iodine, lead acetate, lead oxide, any lead salt, mercury, lithium, strontium, carbolic acid (phenol), Sodium amide, napthalene, calcium metal, other
rare stuff you don't want, white p, any p actually. Not into drugs at all, just general experiments on my you tube channel. I have some unlisted items
but not sure how to ship safely.
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