Formoguanamine (1,3,5-Triazine-2,4-diamine) and ethylene guanidine
After searching a bit about guanidine derivatives i came across to the above. Formoguanamine is made by 2 moles of guanidine and one mole of formic
acid. Guanidine nitrate can easily be made with urea and ammonium nitrate. Formic acid is an OTC acid. Has anyone ever made this ? Maybe guanidine
nitrate and formic acid could react together to form formoguanamine dinitrate. Its structure looks promising for a starting material for energetics.
Maybe even Nitroguanidine can react with formic acid to yield dinitroformoguanamine.
Another interesting guanidine derivative i found is ethylene guanidine. Most likely ethylene guanidine can be made with guanidine and ethylene glycol,
just like ethylene urea.