That is a really interesting point to bring up. Apparently the mechanism is being speculated a more common than previously thought, but this has been
quantified in humans.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1230667 on the thought-to-be-conserved genes involved.
I am doing this at a glance on my phone, so I should probably run it over again, but this is my take right now:
Adult methyl mercury absorption based on salivary production is estimated at 2-3 micrograms of methyl mercury exposure a day, maximum, according to
EPA limits on methyl mercury take into account human clearance of methyl mercury, and stipulate 0.0004mg/kg daily reference threshold dose, based on
maternal blood concentrations and fetal neurological impairment. This helps take into account partitioning to the fetus of a pregnant woman, generally
the most susceptible target population.
So unless a pregnant woman happened to weigh less than 10kg or so (being generous), or were supplementing her methyl mercury, even with fillings, I
doubt there is much reason for concern for a fetus based on potential total dose exposure of methyl mercury from the fillings themselves, and thus
little risk to anyone else. The apparent lack of epidemiological data being a key support for this as well.