The documentation on the manufacturer's site (Dernord, in this case) rates these pieces at a max of 250 PSI at ambient temp.
I had shelved the project due to safety and noise concerns. I'm still trying to suss out the likelihood of encountering catastrophic results. The
vibrating platform approach, to me, introduced a lot of variables around stress for the apparatus; not to mention it was egregiously loud.
One of my projects during the hiatus from this was to investigate electrochemical approaches to borohydride. Unfortunately, it seems that most of the
literature is misleading. There was some mention of a continuous voltage differential impeding borohydride formation due to electrostatic repulsion of
the material at the cathode. Some references indicate that reverse pulse processes might bear fruit - i.e. forward voltage with differential to drive
borohydride formation, reverse voltage below breakdown to offset the electrostatic repulsion, along with some neutral refectory period. Alas, there
seems to be no clear signal of reproducibility from what I've seen in any of these. Additionally, none of the trials I ran were conclusive (though my
methods, materials, and analytical capabilities in this regard are rather limited).
I've recently acquired a tank of argon and am picking up tinkering on the tri clamp bits to try a go at a rotating mill approach. I'm not sure if the
necessary conditions for borohydride formation can be had outside of high energy milling, but I may be up for some trials if I can gain enough
confidence in the setup.