A bilge fan or pump will have the DC (duty cycle) on the motor nameplate.
These are typically available.
Standard Blower
Intermittently rated motor 20 minutes on - 20 minutes off. This duty is sufficient for most standard blower applications. 105 Cubic feet - 3 Cubic
metres per minute air flow.
Heavy Duty Blower
Continuously rated motor maximum 1 hour with 50% duty cycle = 1 hour on then 1/2 hour off for cool down. FLANGE MOUNT Suits 3" 75mm blower hose. 150
cubic feet - 4.23 cubic metres per minute capacity.
Extra Heavy Duty Flexmount
Continuously rated extra heavy duty motor with min. 5,000 hour motor life. Suitable for commercial or high use engine room air intake or extraction.
Ideal for continuous operation applications where engine rooms with generator sets require the constant venting of warm air.