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Victim of political correctness
vulture sent me a U2U saying I should remove the Orwell quote from my signature, or kiss my account goodbye. Hah! Doesn't anyone find it ironic that
I would get censored for quoting Orwell?!
\"One of the surest signs of Conrad\'s genius is that women dislike his books.\" --George Orwell
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No one ever said this forum was free and democratic, at least in any way as such a real government may function...
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Misogynistic much?
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Not at all. Merely pointing out one difference about women from men that has held up fairly well (the statement is essentially factual). It's
equivalent to saying that little girls prefer dolls to toy trucks (whether this is due to social or biological influences is irrelevant in this case).
If you don't get it, you clearly haven't read much Conrad. And your insulting a prominent humanist like Orwell is pretty lame.
[Edited on 11-12-2006 by Quince]
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Like I said, don't try to be a smartass. At the time I sent the U2U your signature contained a line that was clearly insulting to another member.
Next time you pull anymore of this crap your account is gone without warning. Join a usenet group if you really need to be obnoxious.
[Edited on 11-12-2006 by vulture]
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Good call vulture. I privately suggested he tone it down in a PM, to no effect. Now he tries to mislead about the real cause of the criticism.
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Was Quince the one with the Mengele quote in his signature?
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He was indeed pantone. A rather.. ah, pleasant fellow to deal with by most accounts.
He's got some pretty cool ideas - and a hot head to match unfortunately.
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He's lead a trail across several forums, apparently moving on between his fancy and his inevitable loss of posting priviledges. Apparently, he
doesn't learn too quickly about emotional intelligence.
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Probably show up again soon under a different handle.
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I noticed that during the last few weeks (month?) he was acting strange or maybe I just never noticed him before...?
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Maybe he gave himself some sort of heavy metal poisoning which made him go mad. He has been extremely irritable, perhaps he was bit by something rabid

Anyways, Quince wasn't that bad of a guy but then again, I've never been personally insulted by him. I think he should re-evaluate what it means to be
a member of an online forum and think of his responsibilities and find some civilities.
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He went in spurts, sometimes 'normal' and othertimes could just fly off the handle at nothing. I've been insulted by him once a long time ago.
Meh...its the internet. But it does not have place on a scientific board.
Some of his views were 'out there' by current political standards, which I had nothing against(I actually agree with some of it), but the rampant
insults were the cause of his ban.
[Edited on 13-12-2006 by The_Davster]
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Quote: | Originally posted by pantone159
Was Quince the one with the Mengele quote in his signature? |
I wasn't quoting Mengele, I was using his name in my signature, you cretinous imbecile! Do you even know what the word 'quote' means, you fucking
twat? There was no quote in my signature at all.
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MTBF for nixies is less than half a year ?
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I suspect we all agree with you woelen, but what does MTBF stand for (Possibly Mean Time Before ...what?)?
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Mean Time Between Failures.
But this isn't; it's just a hiccup.
And for crying out loud, it really wasn't a quote. Learn to separate content of a post from dressing.
[Edited on 24-5-2007 by Nixie]
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Warning somebody means precious keystrokes which tire my wrists...klicking the ban button is just one finger movement..ah! Such a dilemma!
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Anyone want to guess which finger vulture extends to push the BAN button?
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Play nice.
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[Edited on 5-24-2007 by Polverone]
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Consider this post a restraining order. The only communication between you two from now on should be polite and ideally of a technical nature. I will
be the arbiter of politeness, so if in doubt, don't send the message. This includes private messages.
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