National Hazard
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Storage of Nitrocellulose
Reading about a member here having an accident with some red P i started thinking about how i store more sensitive chemicals.
I was recently buying some chemicals from a shop who seem to be focused at pyrotechnics and saw they had some nitrocellulose.
Boeing a little curious about this stuff i ordered 200 grams.
It arrived in a ordinary ziplock bag and this is how i now have it stored except i have put the bag in a plasic box and taped around to limit
Is storing nitrocellulose this way ok and how sensitive is this stuff?
Does some static electricity set it off or do it need to be confined to explode?
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I think that sensitive/hard in storage materials should find a use as soon as they are obtained.
Link to the website that informs about details of nitrocellulose storage and properties:
International Hazard
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There is a huge amount of information out there on nitrocellulose, on this forum, in texts in the library and on the web. It has been such an
important compound for so long that is has been studied more than most.
In terms of incompatibility think acids, bases and oxidising agents - some very quick research will give you a more definitive list. Nitrocellulose is
sensitive to sparks, impact, friction and heat.
200 g is a decent amount to store all together IMHO, otherwise your storage is probably ok as long as it is not where people frequently are and it is
I recommend doing a quick read up if you are concerned. Also try making it yourself and understanding the chemistry this will help answer the
questions you have asked.
Edit - I should also add that like many things the form it is in will effect is properties. Ping pong balls for example are made from nitrocellulose
and do not require the same respect as finely divided powder.
[Edited on 14-7-2020 by B(a)P]
National Hazard
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Thank you for all info.
I have done some reading and some say to store it wet.
The powder i have seem to be dry, lightweight and fluffy, not wet at all.
I will read up on the info i can find.
I cant get the suggested PDF above to work but i hope i can find other info by searching around some.
If the 200g bag would ignite from some static electricity while i handle it i wonder if i would have any fingers left, maybe not even hands.
Thats a scary thought.
I start to regret i bought this stuff, i dont even know what im going to do with it.
Since it seem not so good to store this for longer periods i will try find something fun to do with it.
There probably is lots of stupid ideas on youtube.
[Edited on 2020-7-16 by Mateo_swe]
Hazard to Others
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I typically attach an indicator strip to the inside of the container lid I use and I make a habit of cracking open any dry NC I have to inspect for
decomp on a regular basis. I keep my propellant grade NC wet except for the small amount I am using at a time. My lacquer grade NC seems to store ok
for awhile, though I did crack open a bucket after not being in my lab for a few months once and saw that characteristic brown gas....almost lost my
mind! That's when I started using the indicator strips! Hope this helps