National Hazard
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25 pounds of KMnO4 for $22!
I love salvage places!
Found 30 pounds of sears brand green sand filter recharger for a measly $22!
Thats more KMnO4 than I'll use in a loooong time. 
I didn't know sears sold this kinda stuff...
Other useful chems at sears includes sodium thiosulfate (chlorine neutralizer) and calcium hypochlorite (pool shock).
[Edited on 18-11-2005 by evil_lurker]
Hazard to Others
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You're amazingly lucky!
I can't even find potassium permanganate in the Sears here in Canada.
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I have searched sears so much in Canada for permanganate....some idiot put permanganate on the same controlled substances list as ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine, and hence I do not want to order it.
I have crazy plans for which I need relatively large ammounts of pure Mn2O7(on the order of 10-15 mls) and the only KMnO4 I have I brought back from a
south-pacific island and only 15g of it! I am contemplating buying manganese electrodes simply so I can make it myself.
Lucky you.
Blind Angel
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I bough 5 pound of KMnO4 for 25$, ok it's not that a good deal but it's easy to find. Go in any place where they sell water filter, look in
your yellow page. Go there, ask for KMnO4 (or green sand filter recharge), pay and go home, the end. All in Canada, all in your city.
Edit: these are the place that say's "Water Analysis Here!" or something along the way, they usually sell treatment with the outrageous
result that they give you, showing how much you have iron and all in your water (unless you live in Walkertown)
[Edited on 18-11-2005 by Blind Angel]
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National Hazard
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I had to edit my first post.. I thought the jars were just 5 pounds each... got to looking and they were 6.. so that makes it even better!
Hazard to Others
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Quote: | Originally posted by evil_lurker
I had to edit my first post.. I thought the jars were just 5 pounds each... got to looking and they were 6.. so that makes it even better!
And the chemists in Canada grow more restless We might just have to come loot
your supply one day
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I have a pound of KMnO4 i'm willing to part with. Any takers?
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It can also be found in products (as a solution) for getting rid of cloudiness and oder from fish tanks.
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Katha Upanishad
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I buy my KMnO4 at the pharmacy for 1 dollar per 10 grams.
Post Harlot
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Yikes! I got a 5 pound jug of the stuff (for removing iron / filtering water) for, what was it, $20? Menards.
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KMnO4 is not easy to buy here too, as it is a watched substance... only small amounts can be had, like 100g or 250g. The paperwork to fill out is the
same as for acetic anhydride.
I tried out simple KMnO4 production from MnO2, and did suceed to make a dark violet solution (no attempt at isolating it though).
Melt MnO2 with NaOH and KNO3, dissolve in water, acidify, filter off MnO2, crystallize.
MnO2 would be the obvious choice as the cheapest precursor to KMnO4.
Hazard to Self

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I got the same stuff a lot of you other guys got, 5lb for 25$ on ebay, greensand filter regenerate. I went to Lowe's, Walmart, a fish store, and
Publix (supermarket) and none of them had it. 30lb for 20$ would be awesome. I never thought to look there. I think I'll go there over the weekend.
I just have one question for the OP: is it technical grade, as in very coarse, or more of a powder? The stuff I got is tech. grade coarse, and
crushing up 5lb KMnO4 is very tough. I'm only about halfway through. I do it whenever I have spare time.
National Hazard
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Yeah its coarse technical grade.
I suggest using an old food processor or coffee grinder in small amounts as you go.
Hazard to Self

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I was thinking of getting a cheap ball mill.
So I went to Sears and they didn't have any. They said to try Kmart.
[Edited on 3-5-2007 by egloskerry]
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The KMnO4 story goes where a certain coke kingpin of Colombia put the President in power, and the permanganate was necessary to treat cola base, with
every kilo of permanganate in South America resulting in a kilo of coke, and SA has no permanganate of its own, and I think perhaps the chemistry is
that the permanganate oxidizes cinammylcocaine to cocaine and so the coke now crystallizes, because you know how having something very alike to the
thing you want to crystallize means neither will crystallize, but this chemistry needs further investigation.
When a DEA higher-up was about to retire, as a last act he seized two ships loaded with permanganate that were stopping in Long Beach on their way
from China to Colombia. He wasn't an "idiot". He put the hurt on this drug trade which exports like 1000 tons per year of something which is just
poison, has no use helping people, costs us in ways we know not, ruins the environment.
The guy who runs the government in Colombia, behind the scenes, still has his chemical company. It is the nicest one. There are 4500 chemical
companies in Colombia.
I admit there is a brand of idiocy in stopping us from having a kilo of KMnO4 by thinking it equals a kilo of coke. You got me there. Is there
something else? I just thought you poured glycerine on it once in awhile, or destroy the organics in a plating bath, or God forbid, throw it in the
neighbor's pool.