Blind Angel
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How do you ship beaker?
I've ordered three time over ebay for glassware lot and most of them had beaker in them, and most of them broke during the shipping (usually they
were the only thing broken). So my question is, what is the best way to ship beaker, from what i saw, puttin them one into an other like russian doll,
even with bubblewrap doesn't do the job. Anybody has experience on this?
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International Hazard
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All of the beakers I've had shipped from lab suppliers were individually bubble-wrapped (including the opening) and put in a box with plenty of
peanuts. It wasn't space efficient, but I never got a broken beaker.
A pnictogen
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Mine have come like neutrino's or wrapped in bubble wrap tightly, then in a box, then in a larger box full of packing peanuts. I have never
recieved a broken beaker, or any broken glass for that matter. I have also recieved them 'russian doll' style as well without problems.
International Hazard
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I've shipped and received, bubble wrap the beaker form fitting. Then put into a box at least twice the size and ball up paper loosely around it
with large pieces, this has always worked well for me and it's fairly cost efficent. Somewhat on topic, I have sold a lot of things on eBay
including glassware. On one occasion someone bought a piece of glassware from me and they claimed that they recieved it broken. They had requested
insurance so I told them to take it to the post office and show that it was broken and that it was packed correctly (even got the form from the post
office and filled it out to request the money for the insurance) the person however raised all kinds of hell saying that getting insurance on
glassware was impossible and demanded a refund. I replied back with a strong letter saying that I wasn't giving any money back until they took
the broken pieces and packaging to the post office. Then magically after three days of no response I got an e-mail that the person sent saying he had
sent all the e-mails to the wrong person.... ?
Never the less, did you get insurance on these beakers? Was it avalible? And finally, does it really cover glassware if properly packed?
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I have only had one item break that I bought on eBay. It was a medium sized dessicator. The seller had not packaged it well and gave me back my
From then on I always asked the seller to package it carefully and mark it "Fragile - Glass." I haven't had any broken items since and
I have bought a fair amount.
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Blind Angel
National Hazard
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As i said it usually were lot, so 3 bearker broken on about 15 other kind of piece doesn't really count, so I don't mind, anyway usually
the piece i was looking for is usually (luckily always up to date) intact. Still I have seen ppl thinking that newspapers is the ultimate protecting
So was simply wondering, if i do need to ship beaker one day, i'll follow your tips and don't bother about the shipment size.
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