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International Hazard
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The evaporating butane could simply be burned off, leaving harmless water + CO<sub>2</sub>.
Hazard to Self

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dont forget that often butane/propane contains also mercaptans,disulphides and other very tasty S compounds....but butane/propane extr is the easiest
extr,and has very good is also a idiots sure way to death
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Hmmm...I know they add methyl mercaptan to propane and natural gas to make leaks easily detectable by smell. However, I thought butane was mostly
used as lighter fluid, in Zippos and such. I would think that with a decent purity butane you would not have to worry about significant contamination
of Sulfur containing compounds.
That being said I remember reading this experience report off of Erowid were a guy had health problems from using impure butane to produce his hash oil. Aaah, the dangers of OTC
Hazard to Self

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90% of butane,propane or lpg comes out of primary distillation and cracker units of oil refineries,often before the hydrofining units(the ones that
remove the S compounds) so yes there are a lot of S compounds in those gasses(a lot is a couple of hundred ppms,btw)
Post Harlot
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Sulfur compounds are pretty stinky too, last time I sniffed an outgassing lighter (not lit ) it was only a faint solvent smell. That's got to be at least <1ppm sulfur, no?
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High purity butane
Some brands have impurities and some don't. Here is an excellent thread on the subject: which includes a list of the best brands to use.
Butane impurities damage turbo/jet lighters so some manufacturers go out of their way to highlight their brand as ultrapure. Here is one such and
another list of brands to look out for:
If you are in the UK, look around for Sanmex which I get from a local £-shop. 300mls/£1 can't be bad and its high purity.
In UK, remember hash/herbal=class C, Oil=class A!
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"Acetone works well too, its just that it extracts everything"
that's why you just rinse the plant meterial. use a metal strainer and two big bowls of solvent, pouring from one bowl over the meterial and
into the other bowl.
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THC does not only excist in its free form in the plant, but also as its glycoside! This glycoside however, is unstable, and will decompose into TCH
and the rest above ~160°C. THC itself has a very boiling point, making it for researchers very difficult to actually measure how much someone
actually inhales. A guy on a former trainee was busy with that kind of research, and they found that when cannabis was smoked by a glass pipe,
afterward most of the THC was still in the pipe, because in condensed instantly again. They also doubted hoe much was taken up by the lungs, or that
the effect is mainly due to uptake by mouth.
This is also how they found out about the glycoside, the amounts of THC recovered from other experiments was higher then they found in the original
plant material...
Funny though, here (in The Netherlands) it is only allowed to have fields of cannabis (for rope production etc) which have less than 0.5% free THC in
their tops, but there is nothing written about the glycoside... .
Any plant biotechnologists with a bit of spare time here??
Never argue with idiots, they drag you down their level and beat you with experience.
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That's interesting, I didn't know of the glycoside. Do you know how big a portion does it make compared to THC? Depends on the part of the
plant, of course.
By the way, it appears that the low amounts of THC in those strains results from suppression of the conversion of CBD to THC in the plant, so there
should be little of the glycoside as well. On the other hand isomerization should do just fine with the CBD, giving the delta-8 isomer.
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thank god for this thread.
few days ago i made a very unnormal notice.
i put 3 grams of pot into a 50 ml flask and extracted with butane.
i filtered (didn't need an icebad, the temperature in my lab was - 10 °C), and tilted the liquid butane into a nickelpan. i let it vaporize at the
air (the next day temperature climb at 3°C)
now the notice: there was no oil,just a solid with a very high viscosity (hope you understand what i is like glue.....).
and now i wonder what this solid is.
of course i smoked that solid,and it was very good,so i think the THCpart in it is very high....
International Hazard
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The low temperature probably increased the oil's viscosity and formed your 'solid'. It's a well known fact of chemical processing: hot liquids are
generally less viscous than colder ones.
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Hexane is even better than butane it gets a pure cut of the cannabonoids you go down to office max I saw it somewhere there in pure form. butane is
tricky to work with the way I used to do is solvate all the crude thc in ethanol and evaporate onto silica, sand, or salt to give surface area then
put into as coke bottle thread with teflon tape for the seal then freeze or cool some butane in the freezer and pour the cooled butane into the bottle
with the mixture and shake the hell out of it, then settle the butane off then cool the bottle and pour it onto a pyrex dish. this shit tasted like
hydro and would make you hallucinate. very good stuff it was a blackis green oil.
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As it goes along they talk about an entourage effect.
The Scientist
[Edited on 20-8-2016 by Morgan]
International Hazard
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If you want something absurdly pure, you could extract with chloroform and then extract that solution with arginine in water at 0 C. Arginine is a
weak base but it'll deprotonate any carboxylic acid and it isn't as reactive as NaOH. Boiling that solution and then extracting with diethyl
ether/ethyl acetate/MEK/CHCl3 (pick one) should give nearly 100% cannabinoids with no caryophyllenes or other oils.
EDIT: s/ascorbate/arginine/g. If you don't have arginine, pyrrolidine or guanidine should work.
[Edited on 24-8-2016 by clearly_not_atara]
International Hazard
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Quote: | If you want something absurdly pure, you could extract with chloroform |
Absurdly pure what, atara ─ cannabis resin is a complex mixture of compounds and pure THC itself is not desirable as an intoxicant?
International Hazard
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To be specific, I tried to describe a way to get only carboxylic acids without any other terpenoids, and to do so in a way that wouldn't destroy them
during extraction.
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As acids, the compounds are non-psychoactive and are decarboxylated during curing so that in the dry material they exist predominantly as phenols!
But the "entourage effect" which the high essentially consists of means the inclusion of all of the resinous compounds along with all of the terpenes
violet sin
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Morgan, thanks I just got done watching the doccumentary. up till just after
2am last night and had to finish after work today. It was pretty interesting to see such an intelligent man, bringing in expert after expert to tell
their part of the tale. the part about children getting a sub active dose( mentally) to treat cancer therapy side effects, and it's not in use today
= INSANE. well practically all of it, is silly, cure for many diseases that can put you in jail. bullies with money want more... I won't drift off
into into anything derailing, fear not.
would be pretty interesting to try a synthetic endogenous version(s) dose after a hard weeks work in construction. even better would be a rotating
mix of the substances, in sub active quantities, given daily for a year or more. nature is about finesse, little tap at just the right time, not big
hammer style. so smoking a large amount daily probably has limited benefit. whereas the small tap for a long time may be much more effective at
keeping you at a point where you DON"T have to see the Doc. on a regular basis.
Don't mind people getting the after hours buzz on, but who wants to share the road with a million lit candles( potheads). I know I don't like to work
under the influence of anything other than food, water and good sleep( & LOTS of caffeine, but not good for ya). so a sub active amount for daily
aches and pains would be great; then have your night-cap (if any) after being done with out of house chores. would mean fellers like me could feel
better with a clear head and no jail threat. 8x 200mg ibuprofen daily isn't exactly healthy, but it does keep me thinking sharp all day and
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I don't know anything about extraction, but regarding decarboxylation the following might be interesting:
"Decarboxylation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol: Kinetics and molecular modeling"
There are mechanisms proposed utilizing formic acid via a direct and an indirect keto-enol pathway. The authors suggest this to happen naturally in
cannabis plants having some formic acid content.
[Edited on 25-8-2016 by Alice]
International Hazard
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Alice talking about cannabis ─ how apt?
I've been growing the "Devil Weed with Roots in Hell" on and off since 1975 and I don't know anything about extraction, either, nor do I want to know
anything about it!
The trick, I think, is to get the very best bud and smoke it in moderation.
Unfortunately the best bud comes from equatorial sativa landraces that are difficult to grow, produce paltry yields and can have flowering periods
indoors of up to six months!
The mature buds don't stink to high heaven (yay) like skunk, they don't try to rip your throat out and won't render you couchlocked!
They produce a high that is some kind of magic!
That said, I'm about due another T break...
PHILOU Zrealone
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Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  |
Alice talking about cannabis ─ how apt?
They produce a high that is some kind of magic!
That said, I'm about due another T break...
Alice in Wonderland    
Just kidding - LOL
Tea break with the Mad Hatter 
[Edited on 25-8-2016 by PHILOU Zrealone]
PH Z (PHILOU Zrealone)
"Physic is all what never works; Chemistry is all what stinks and explodes!"-"Life that deadly disease, sexually transmitted."(W.Allen)
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What's so special about my name? Are we in kindergarten?
PHILOU Zrealone
International Hazard
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Nothing! Pretty usual forename...even inspiring for poetry or rap "Alice is nice and cooler than ice"
Also the name of a propellant Al-ICE (Aluminium nanopowder and solid water (ice)).
Humor and smiling keeps people with that 
PH Z (PHILOU Zrealone)
"Physic is all what never works; Chemistry is all what stinks and explodes!"-"Life that deadly disease, sexually transmitted."(W.Allen)
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International Hazard
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Quote: | Tea break with the Mad Hatter |
Lol! It's what we tokers call a "tolerance break" PHILOU!
But I'm not exactly in a rush...if you get my drift? 
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