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International Hazard
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Quote: |
dissolving Al and NaOH reduction of acetone Chimimanie On 2C-T-x precursors Lego Zn(BH4)2/Pyridine reduces nitro compounds supernate xylocaine
praeseodymium Synthesis from toluene
this may be the file you need find it in the hive files.......
Here is a copy of the hive files indexed and with a search engine compliments of the hard work from nubee a member of
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
Hazard to Self

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Tor network?
Not sure if anyone has used or heard of the tor network of the EFF. It provides for anonymous communication via dynamic routing of data through
several proxies. It is actually much faster than the other anonymous networks such as I2P and freenet as it is not based on the horrible foul
language that is Java. (No offense Solo)
Its anonymous connections to the general WWW and anonymous servers. I suppose this would be ideal. While the portal does remove some responsiblity the
information needs to be hosted somewhere. The host of the information is going to have to bare responsibility for the data. An IP address can be
tracked to a server, and the server needs an owner to pay the bills.
With the tor network, the IP address along with all other associated information is hidden, the users who logon to the server are not using their IPs.
This is hidden too. It makes the job of tracking those involved with in illegal activity _very_ hard to do.
The tor network has clients for Windows, *nix, and OSX. Best of all it is open source.
[Edited on 26-7-2005 by enima]
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Am I the only not-teenager here?
International Hazard
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The Hive Archive
Sandmeyer, check your U2U. A kind member uploaded what you're looking for to my
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for fuck sake...
what a fucking balls up, so in other words I could have been asking the police for advise on sensitive subjects? im not worried, just fucking
PS, oh yeah, fuck the police, what the fuck are they going to do? i never got bothered while visiting the synthetikal web site - ever.
Hazard to Self

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On the topic of the 'hives return' the dns server does have the a name changed back to the .ws servers (whoever own or runs the .ws) I think
this has been done for a while.
Who knows what is to come of the hive.
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It will surely return. Why such a hurry after so many months?
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No... not the only non-teenager
Quote: | Am I the only not-teenager here? |
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This is very weird I was able to find this and this (the hive threads Sandmeyer requested) from the google cache but they seem to appear sometimes and not others.
Another search turned up 6000+ pages of cached hive threads but now they seem to have vanished when I do the same search. Wtf?
Edit: Ah....its a cookie thing-no cookie, no search results. If you accept google cookies the cached threads are here
Edit2: No it's not a cookie thing either. I have switched my browser not to accept google cookies again, cleared all cookies and the links still
work. A google quirk perhaps?
[Edited on 27-7-2005 by UpNatom]
[Edited on 27-7-2005 by UpNatom]
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Manners maketh man
Quote: | Originally posted by Organikum
Am I the only not-teenager here? |
I am not sure exactly how old you profess to be, Organikum, but certainly, you have the foulest of manners. You come across as ignorant and bellicose,
which surely is not true. Or, is it?
Blind Angel
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Well Orgy can be a little foul manered sometimes right, but he's such a long timer in chemistry forum that we accept him like he is. Like you end
up accepting a long lasting pain or an annoying sound, since anyway you can't do anything with it.

Oh, and he's also a good ressource on plenty of thing.
/}/_//|//) /-\\/|//¬/=/_
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Revived? is back online. I don't know who's responsible, and I don't know why it's back, what with all the paranoia that
was surrounding it in the first place. Anybody else feel uneasy about this?
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Quote: | is back online. I don't know who's responsible
| The calendar maybe?
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Damn, I thought you did it Primathon
I assumed you were responsible, primathon.
Maybe the server was already paid for this month, and the bandwidth just got used up last month.
How are the payments done? Who can find out who made the last payment?
I will be suspicious until someone claims responsibility.
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Now lets do a reality check:
Renting a server is no prepaid-business but it is something with a contract and bills. Simply the contract wasn´t so fast to cancel as Hellman
thought, so it will run on until either the ISP is pissed because of no payment or the legal date for cancelling the service is reached.
So it´s Hellman who will have to pay.
Who has actual CONTROL of the server - hellman or hellman and the australian drug enforcement is another question.
Up to when this is cleared up those with administrative powers should kindly lock all chemsitry forums to prevent people getting compromised.
Correction to my previous musings:
Hellman and primathon and ephoton are three different persons.
The person I would like to see in control of the server to restore trust is JAVA though. At least for the startover.
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well, it's being looked after, if you look at a certani thread overe there it's being explained and worked through..
basically trying to get back control, and yes the cancelation request wasnt process before end of month so one more got billed...
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I suppose you talk about this thread.
Isn´t this "linking" astonishing?
But up to now now my major points have not been adressed there - at least it seems to me, but I will not login and try it out.
I talk about locking the forums.
International Hazard
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Synthetikal administrator issue........
Well the forum is up again as mentioned , however how long is the question........
I can see rationale and belief in a two sided issue, but for the benefit of the forum (synthetikal) at this time it would be best for the forum to be
administered by someone else that has no plaguing issues with character, for the sake of the forum and the members that have made it a
home...............the new administrator should be voted in the members that built the must be earned , it's not a given
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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Synthetikal is down, again
Synthetikal is down again.
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Is it OK to quote myself from another forum? Good.
Quote: | I've been discussing hosting arrangements with a guy who does anonymous offshore hosting somewhere in the vicinity of Singapore. Hopefully we can
get something arranged, but unless somebody can get a hold of Syn and get him to transfer the domain, we're fucked on calling this thing
Synthetikal (unless we want to do or .org, but c'mon...).
I've got a backup of the forums from a few days ago, so we're OK there, and the FTP is still active so I can grab everything else that I
need (I think I have everything already, but I'll double-check).
Within the next few days I'll upload a trimmed-down version of the DB containing all the threads/posts to an as-of-yet undisclosed location. If
it turns out that we can't do this anonymous hosting thing (do YOU want to put your name on it? Didn't think so), I'll make the
information available for download. But hopefully we won't have to worry about that...
I'll let you guys know. Here's hoping :-). |
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Synthetikal was doomed from the start. Its current level of entropy is rather high and likely cannot be reversed regardless.
That collaboration is synthetika's no matter how little his participation was.
Now, with the number of times that we've been mislead over the past 9 months, most any intelligent forum has a chance, unless it is connected in
some way to synthetikal.
Maybe I'm wrong. Just thought that I'd crap in the thread. It's just a little crap.
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Synthetikal has apparently been hacked. It started with a lot of posts, appearing to be the hackers using the administrator accounts to announce that
they had hacked the board, and now I and a few others(probably everybody, but I don't know this) has been banned from the board.
Hazard to Self

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Yea, that tends to happen when the admin decides to use the historically INSECURE phpbb
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so whats gonna happen next?
Java/Solo i know u worked hard, as well as nubee and the rest from synthetikal.
I feel synthetikal is kinda lost. wierd ppl still post illegal things there.
Would be so nice if some1 would kindly open a new board. and Primathon who needs the name synthetikal anyway? dont even name ur board. get a server
and have it domain free, i.e. have it only with an ip address...
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syn down again domain down again and out for the count ... ?
anyone else getting server cannot be found ?
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