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Forum Drunkard
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Having read the thread in Zeph posted, the responses were :-
(nice way to put it) Unhelpful.
(the way it was said) bunch of wannabe-super-chemists with nothing else to do apart from take the piss out of people the year below them.
It is a shame, seeing as Zeph's post sparked such a feeding-frenzy.
The site must be Starving and on the verge of extinction.
Forum Drunkard
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What 'Priesthood' ?
All i saw when reviewing that thread on their site was Bishops' Heads spouting random garbage.
Some were saying useful stuff, the majority utter elitist crap.
'Safety is Everything' kind of crap.
All Safety is an Illusion (wear the gas mask anyway)
James Ikanov
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I'm struggling to comprehend that there are really people out there that believe jars or bottles may actually randomly explode without prompting at
any point and blind you... Is this actually a thing people are concerned with in a lab setting? ._.
“To do good work one must eat well, be well housed, have one's fling from time to time, smoke one's pipe, and drink one's coffee in peace” -
Vincent Van Gogh
Etaoin Shrdlu
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They're mostly sheltered academics. And a lot are college students with little experience I'd wager. There are threads where some of them try to
convince people that recording data electronically isn't a thing in industry by spouting paper notebook guidelines straight the hell out of a Gen Chem
curriculum. (Dead giveaway? They think first-to-invent is still a thing in the US patent system.)
EDIT: That's not to say they're all bad or the subreddit is all bad. It isn't. Kind of slow and hands-offy though.
[Edited on 2-27-2016 by Etaoin Shrdlu]
reddit chemists suck
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The caliber of chemists on reddit is very poor. They freak out about silly things all the time. Any time someone finds picric acid that is dry the
sub cumulatively wets itself, demonstrating its shitty knowledge of the field as anyone who has worked with this material knows it is very safe when
pure. They even freaked out once over a AQUEOUS solution of picric acid. Mention HF: "RIP OP lolz" The depths of their inexperience knows no bounds.
Those who came out against pinkhippo/Zephyr's lab come from a few different groups of people.
Type 0. The straight up jealous: Zephyr, your lab is awesome. They want and cannot believe someone could be so awesome.
Type 1. Career chemists with no ambitions to greatness This type chose chemistry as a profession, not out of an innate passion, but just
because it was the most tolerable class in school or university. The home chemist, with a passion for the field beyond the mundane 9-5 threatens his
mediocrity. Someone with this much passion will obviously outperform the "I am only doing this for work" person and threatens the mediocre worker.
The mediocre worker lashes out against home chemistry in an attempt to bring the superior chemist down to the level of the mediocre. Their mediocrity
is further exemplified by constant bitching about the job market. Perhaps if they were not so disgustingly average they would be able to compete.
Type 2. The indoctrinated industrial chemist. These type of chemists have lived their professional lives surrounded by the crushing
inefficiency of American chemical industry. They have been conditioned to not think for themselves as a result of overzealous safety regulations.
Their only chemical supplier has been aldrich. They are confused when someone has reagents, as their limited experience from only ever sourcing from
aldrich means they have universalized aldrich's rules as if they are a global rule. The concept of a chemical supplier selling to a non-business is
outside of their reality. This type of shitty reddit chemist can also be identified by their misunderstanding of regulations. Their throats are so
sore from deep thrusts by OSHA's cock that they do not understand that regulations governing businesses and private individuals are completely
different and that as long as waste is disposed of properly and you are not cooking drugs, no laws are being broken by doing chemistry at home.
Type 3. The risk adverse projecting their incompetence This group of shitty reddit chemists likely are only in the field as a result of "No
Child Left Behind". They are the ones that drop their glassware, spill things regularly, and somehow manage to set water on fire. They know an
interest with the potential for danger would likely not end well for them, but their ego transforms "this is too unsafe for me" into "this is too
unsafe for everyone". Wave to the short bus, everyone.
Type 4. The scared threatened by the competent This group is distinguished from the previous only by a single stage in the fabrication of
their delusion that home chemistry is inherently unsafe. Instead of fear being the sole driver, fear drives envy, which drives dislike of home
chemistry as their rationalization mechanism. Like the previous group, their competency is low, however deep down they wish they could be awesome
like Garage Chemist for his home SO3 production, or Bromic acid for having the nuts to distill white P. They are jealous they cannot, and they
realize that others can, and like the first group, realize their mediocrity is threatened by someone with superior technique. Their ego does not
accept this, and transmutes into blaming home chemistry as being wrong, when again, the problem is their own shortcomings.. Its kinda like the dude
who has no game and dates a fat chick while backwards rationalizing that hot chicks are bad people. Deep down you know he wants to tap that 
Type 5. "I fucking love chemistry". Anyone on facebook is familiar with "I fucking love science" In essence, this is pop culture sound bites
of "science" in front of a picture Neil Degrasse Tyson or space. /r/chemistry exemplifies this. For example, memes are upvoted more highly than
actual science. Look at sciencemadness, what are some of the longest threads here? Preparations of useful chemicals like hydrazine or phosphorus.
At reddit? A picture of a tiny beaker The thought process of this type of redditor is analogous to the stripper that likes "I fucking love science" on
facebook, where "maybe if I like this I can pretend I am a smart" becomes "If I want to pretend I am a chemist, I better like something...oh shit, I
don't understand any real science posts here, better upvote this picture of a tiny beaker, it is so cute! I am such a"
So /r/chemistry, we get that you guys suck. Stop by here and learn some real chemistry.
[Edited on 27-2-2016 by reddit chemists suck]
S.C. Wack
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This reddit thingy can't be all bad having produced a few well said fine lines in this thread and general warm fuzziness to go along with Sat. morning
tea. Didn't click links because why would I care what these people think, so...this thread is all I know about this and it seems like a fine thread
that would not otherwise exist.
The Volatile Chemist
International Hazard
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Yech, made me sick. It started off bad, then went downhill as everyone joined the bandwagon.
But really, is Zephyr in high-school now, or is he now in college?
That makes me want to do something about it, but I've seen that amateur chemists don't really unite under anything, even an insult such as this.
That tiny beaker insult was hilarious Best said with pauses in a condescending
voice: And what of /r/Chemistry? A picture - of a tiny - beaker. Hilarious...
No no no, see, he doesn't need health insurance - he's not an "anybody who's done work experience in a regulated lab"
reddit chemists suck
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/r/chemistry exists so "Mitch" can get affiliate commissions from the (really shitty popsci) books posted on the side....This may be against reddit
Alternatively we invade and post real chemistry. Maybe they have a heart attack from the cockslap of reality in their face.
Hazard to Others
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Quote: Originally posted by reddit chemists suck  |
/r/chemistry exists so "Mitch" can get affiliate commissions from the (really shitty popsci) books posted on the side....This may be against reddit
Alternatively we invade and post real chemistry. Maybe they have a heart attack from the cockslap of reality in their face. |
I'll make a post regarding the synthesis of sodium acetate from sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid. I won't wear safety goggles while taking photos,
and have a bottle of pure potassium carbonate nearby from a chemical supplier. There won't be multiple exits to evacuate in case of a fire either.
They will probably try to sic the police on me because I have a diluted heroin precursor.
Also, I did mean that sarcastically TheVolatileChemist .
"Is this even science anymore?!"
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Don't forget to have young children in the lab. Or worse still, do it in the kitchen where you prepare food.
reddit chemists suck
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I am thinking of doing some "art photography" of me doing chemistry.
Yeah, I will be wearing safety glasses. (safety first guys)
That is all I will be wearing.
Hazard to Others
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reddit seems to be one of those places where the filth of the internet congregate. Look at their latest thread yay! lets talk safety! look how responsible and progressive we are!! In the first
paragraph they assert the seriousness and realness of their professional identity scornfully highlighting the dangers of "Home Chemistry" because of
how much controversy seeing a home lab has brought them. Honestly, they're a bunch of pretentious try hards who second guess every second thought they
have in the fear that they will not be good enough in the eyes of other reddit k3wls. I could go on but the existence of this thread is poignant
Keep doing your thing Zeph.
[Edited on 28-2-2016 by HeYBrO]
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Quote: Originally posted by reddit chemists suck  | I am thinking of doing some "art photography" of me doing chemistry.
Yeah, I will be wearing safety glasses. (safety first guys)
That is all I will be wearing. |
Dangerous. Very dangerous. You might not go blind but all of your viewers will.
Wiki Master
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Uugh, reddit is new 4chan I see.
On the reddit subforum I noticed that woelen's white phosphorus distillation topic has barely been viewed, and I find it interesting that people would
rather gang up on some person presenting his lab, rather than dogpile the former with comments like say, "OMG, WP", "Will you use it to bomb
Vietnam?", "Can you make meth from it?" and other low-brain activity comments such persons would post. (This is merely an observation, nothing more)
Forum Drunkard
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It is pretty clear now what SM members think of dreddit (typo, but i like it) and how much we like Pinkhippo/Zephyr (hope i got that connection
Time to get back to some Chemistry and avoid a forum war.
International Hazard
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On the brighter side of things, I noticed several relatively inexpensive gas chromatographs and rotovaps on *bay.
The Volatile Chemist
International Hazard
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Haha, aga, I've always wanted to instil hatred on competing amachem forums...
I ignore Reddit and 4Chan, but they do have a bit of humor that many other serious forums lack (probably for good reason).
National Hazard
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/r/chemistry is notoriously against amateur and home chemistry.
Hazard to Others
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Someone made a thread there asking why AC is always down voted and they said "because they don't know about safety." god damn i wonder what happens
when they put vinegar on their chips along with SALT... OmG aLchol is a poison! panic! I'm doing home biochemistry by drinking! DANGERoUs!
National Hazard
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Mood: Mad Scientist
Quote: Originally posted by HeYBrO  | Someone made a thread there asking why AC is always down voted and they said "because they don't know about safety." god damn i wonder what happens
when they put vinegar on their chips along with SALT... OmG aLchol is a poison! panic! I'm doing home biochemistry by drinking! DANGERoUs!
LOL I saw that thread too. 15% downvoted!
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