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field primer
no sorry this is not about primary explosives!
i stumbled upon this ... i am not disputing his claim about the shape of the magnetic field being different than what we thought , i find it rather
interesting but it certainly does not turn all of physics on its head!
and where do you get seperate magnetic poles from ? inside a pulsar?
lots of fun experiment for the kids ! Not much else on the author either.
i wonder if anyone else has seen this...
cant wait to see what Careysub has to say about this crap!
[Edited on 24-1-2015 by neptunium]
Etaoin Shrdlu
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The patent he lists at the beginning of the video is not an actual patent. This amuses me greatly.
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The WIPO application quoted does exist WO2013106104 A1. Gonna watch the movie now while having my coffee
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Famously rejected perpetual motion machine.
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I found this post on another forum's thread by user policetac:
Quote: | Hello.
I just happen to have had a little bit more than an average experience with the Primer Fields video series and it's author Mr. David LaPoint. I was
one of the first to see the series when it was originally released, and I have been investigating it ever since.
I happen to know someone OTHER than David who was in fact on David's team. Although he does have a few problems with the overall outcome of the
endeavor, he does however agree that David has truly "got it." I have been working theoretically with Davids ideas for a while now, and although I
seemingly sound as if I'm wandering a bit as I try and explain some of it, it is only for lack of ways to describe the phenomenon that are going on in
ways that anyone can understand.
On those days when the words don't fail me, I have been able to explain in terms a ten year old can understand and agree that these concepts answer
more questions than they leave. It has been amazing the eyes that open wide, as the minds start to wonder. And then, not the questions, but the
answers come.
David's understanding of plasma structures in vacuum are pretty much straight on from what I've been able to figure out. His team was well ahead of
the curve in virtually every aspect of plasma research, even if dealing with only cold plasma.
And although there are a few problems I've discovered in his representations of his idea, I have been able to gain a better (more accurate)
understanding of what might be going on by discussions with another member of the team. (An example of this would be David's representation of the
"little balls." His understanding of the concept of the individual "piece of energy" while correct, is never represented correctly in the
illustrations as to movement, or "filament" formation. (Actually while working with this, I'm really starting to wonder if some of QM's string theory
numbers aren't all over this. "Birkeland currents")
The other researcher admitted that David was never able to fully explain to them exactly how he thought the 'magnetic bowls" formed in space, the
researcher stated that David always said, ..."I don't know, they just do." I believe this might be where some of the problems might arise. Because I
have not been able to verify ANY of the claims he has made in regard to the magnetic field of a piece of matter being "curved," this does not mean
that his theory is fundamentally flawed. I believe the same concepts can and do work just as well in a dipole structure.
Although I do not know how he was able to create the magnets used in the experiments or in the video series, I do have someone in the field working on
it. ( I do however have a very promising idea of how it IS done in space though. I believe his ideas relating to stellar formation
are indeed correct in concept, and this CAN in fact be directly observed in Nature without the need for complex explanation.
I also believe that his assertion that stellar formation is an accurate tool for forming an understanding of atomic structure formation is also
correct. With this understanding, I have been able to develop a complete theory on not only how matter is defined, but how it should be able to be
measured as well. Within this understanding also are the concepts put forth by David on how the duality of light is observed in some particles, yet
not in others. And a general understanding of gravity as well.
In the Primer Fields series. There were many representations that actually give an incorrect or incomplete explanation of the mechanisms taking place
in his ideas of structure formation. One of the clearest of these would be his failure to describe the plasma structure, (and therefore his atomic
structure) as being comprised of "many, many, little strings all wound up together, flipping around here and there kind of like a fast moving ball of
many strings."
Davids patent for a "magnetic array" ( leads one to also gain trust in his assertions relating to the potential of magnetic
fields in the "bowl" configuration.
As to his assertions relating to light, particle duality, quantum mechanics, etc. These can not be denied. Not only do his understandings make sense,
they account for many questions still left in modern physics and put them into elegantly simple concepts that can now be easily tested. I believe that
not only can lights position be predicted, in some cases, it's very existence can even be foretold. (expected existence/stellar formation)
All in all, I believe that David IS correct in a majority (if not all) of his assertions. And that at the very least, his assertions are NOT part of
some whacked out theory based on pseudo-scientific principles, nor are they some attempt at a "zero-point energy" scam, (some are) nor do I feel any
of it was put forth with bad intent.
I have spoken with David directly on a couple of occasions, and have received answers to questions I've posed with direct honest responses from him.
He has always been polite and willing to speak with me, which is quite gracious of him considering the fact that to him I would be a complete
stranger. I have read and re-read all of the posts related to this man over the internet, and I believe the "personality problems" people have
mentioned actually stem more from frustration of the time with many individuals that were attempting to openly criticize him without the "ear to
understanding" that would've left many arguments deaf, or the true knowledge of the Gods behind them with which to adequately defend themselves in
true scientific debate. Those that HAVE attempted to engage him publicly on a "peer review" level have found their questions answered on equal ground.
Unfortunately, David went underground before many of these discussions could be continued to any great length.
Anyway. I just happened to notice the thread and I figured I might as well put my two cents worth in. |
This also his patent US 8,638,186 B1... nice diagrams (minus the pixelation from enlargement).
Looks like a fun magnet to build and play with ball bearings
His experiments reminded me of atomic orbitals. See here:
[Edited on 25-1-2015 by deltaH]
National Hazard
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on the 3rd video Mr Lapoint ventures an explaination for the infamous double slit experiement that in my view explains little and needs calculation .
the idea is seductive but i remain unconvince .
His idea of the bowl shaped magnetic fields are promissing and deserve a second look. however, he makes quite a few leap of deduction very poor in
satisfactory explainations. especially when he trys to connect astrophysical phenomenon and his experiment.
another thing that bugs me tremandously and wakes me up in sweat, is the uni magnetic pole separated !
no one has ever seen this happen and everybody know that cutting a magnet in half result in 2 magnets NOT a south and north pole fully isolated.
at no point in any video does Mr Lapoint explains or show any north pole on his south magnet and vice versa.
this really is a major gap .
But i have to give him credit for the discovery of the magnetic field shape and how easy does it become .
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Where in the clip is the uni magnetic pole separation that you speak of neptunium? Do you mean when he repels the ball bearing?
National Hazard
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yes and the two SEPERATED bowls in the vacuum chamber... and every animation in every videos.. all of the represantation depict a single pole (south
or north) totally appart from the other... what gives?
Etaoin Shrdlu
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Quote: Originally posted by deltaH | This also his patent US 8,638,186 B1... nice diagrams (minus the pixelation from enlargement).
Looks like a fun magnet to build and play with ball bearings
Same patent. He patented a bowl with magnets stuck to it. It does
look like a helluva lot of fun to play with, though.
I suppose I'll watch the rest now. I have a nasty fever and nothing else to do.
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It's quite clever actually, if you were to make non-standard shaped magents, this would be the way to DIY it.
[Edited on 26-1-2015 by deltaH]
National Hazard
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Best ever double slit explanation
in my opinion
I am wg48 but not on my usual pc hence the temp handle.
Thank goodness for Fleming and the fungi.
Old codger' lives matters, wear a mask and help save them.
Be aware of demagoguery, keep your frontal lobes fully engaged.
I don't know who invented mRNA vaccines but they should get a fancy medal and I hope they made a shed load of money from it.