International Hazard
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Homemade explosives are for sissies
What better way to get your kids to give up video games and
engage in healthy outdoor activities. You know you want this.
Always a crowd pleaser.
Better to wield a flamethrower than curse the darkness right. Basically all
you really need is a supersoaker and barbecue lighter fluid. If you connect
the hot lead of a grounded high voltage source to the flame , it will conduct
just as a taser device , so you can also electrocute whatever you're burning.
On a small scale burning silly string from an aerosol can works the same.
There are currently no federal laws governing or restricting the ownership of
flame throwing devices. Some states have laws restricting their possession ,
and non compliance are misdemeanors. 40 states have absolutely no laws
what ever concerning flamethrowers. In any case a destructive device is by
definition a projectile , not burning fuel.
The Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide issued by the ATF that
consolidates federal gun laws , only mentions flamethrower in the context
of flares in the Munitions List , which is not a gun law , but rather import
export regulations on traffic of military hardware like gas masks , battleships ,
and commercially available encryption software.
See Category II Artillery Projectors (b) here _
Flame throwing as performed by rock stars is protected speech under the first
amendment. Americans have an unconditional right to have flamethrowers.
Are you fearful of a home invasion by an armed tactical squad , never fear ,
the U.S. constitution ensures that individuals have the absolute right to have
flamethrowers for self defense , by wielding a flame thrower they'll fear you.
In those states where citizens have the right to carry concealed flamethrowers
criminal use of flamethrowers is greatly reduced. When was the last time you
heard of a liquor store robbed with a flamethrower. There is no need to restrict
possession of flamethrowers , enough regulation exists to ensure that criminals
and the mentally ill do not acquire flamethrowers. What idiot store would sell
a flamethrower to someone mentally ill. If flamethrowers are outlawed , then
only outlaws will have flamethrowers.
Portable Flamethrower Operations in World War II
TM-3-1040-204-14 Flamethrower , Portable , M2A1-7
TM-3-1040-221-12 Operator , Maintenance Manual , Flamethrower , Portable , M2A1-7
What is your favorite incendiary formula , or
for that matter your favorite incendiary post . 
International Hazard
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I hope this is supposed to be a joke .
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I made a simple flamethrower with my grandfather as a boy. It was an HDPE spray bottle with a coat hanger secured around the neck with a 4inch "arm"
sticking out in frnt of the nozzle. a oily bit of rag was wrapped around the end of the "arm" and lit on fire. The bottle was filled with 91% IPA. It
made a nice flame when pumped. We tried nitromethane RC fuek next and the nozzle caught on fire, so the bottle got thrown down and we backed away. It
was lost in the conflagration. It was very fun for me at 12, and I was amazed. It was very "kewl," I will admit, but I was young, and my grandpa (a
child at heart) supervised closely. I dont reccomend this to anyone though, as in retrospect, I can think of many ways it could have gone
catastophicaly wrong.
I did not know about the lack of regulations and laws though. Thanks franklyn. That was an interesting, though kewl, read.
U.T.F.S.E. and learn the joys of autodidacticism!
Don't judge each day only by the harvest you reap, but also by the seeds you sow.
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its most likely meant as both, but nobody can deny that having one would be fun (but not really wise to use on a burglar in your house )
are there any environmental laws on them though? such as taxes?
It would be a fun visit to the gas station, pull up, get out the flame thrower and say ''fill er up''
Bot0nist, I thought of something similar. we have a refillable fire extinguisher that you fill with water and air from the gas station. I thought
installing a one way valve and spark plug at the end and filling it with a gas/diesel mix would be a good idea. I still think it would work, but just
buying an old M2 would be cheaper and safer 
[Edited on 15-9-2013 by Pyro]
[Edited on 15-9-2013 by Pyro]
all above information is intellectual property of Pyro. 
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FPSRussia has the <a href="" target="_blank">coolest toys</a> <img src="../scipics/_yt.png"
International Hazard
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cool, Bofors, I got a tie clip from them.
My favorite fps russia is when he goes to whitecastle in a WWII tank and says:''this is American woman, she eat many cheeseburgers as you can see, I
woudn't be surprised if we didn't get our full order''
all above information is intellectual property of Pyro. 
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Bad idea, these supersoaker guns leak a small amount of fluid out, if that gets on your hands/arms, that could be very hazardous with flame in close
If you must, do it right next to a lake or pool so you can jump in if anything goes wrong. Another little safety advice tip you may have not thought
off - but we always tell students in chemistry lab, WEAR EYE PROTECTION, preferably splash proof goggles. A spray of vapor could unexpectedly get in
your face and go into flames without warning. There might be plastic parts in the gun that could become soften by the solvent and possibly result in
catastrophic failure, just something to think about. I think PVC is resistant, but one never knows...
I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people...I'm just saying lets remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.
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Franklyn has turned k3wl? Or was the k3wl inside just sleeping and did it wake up again?
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Several years ago we had what could only be described as a full-blown fruitfly infestation at home.
Not wanting to spray toxins all over the place, I decided on a horrific (for the flies) solution, a utility sprayer bottle filled with 91% IPA, and a
Bic lighter.
The sprayer was set to fine mist, and a quick pump with the Bic below the nozzle resulted in a nice fully oxygenated fireball of moderate temperature
and short duration.
It was incapable of setting paper or other common combustibles on fire due to the rapid dissipation and low net heat, but it had no problem fully
cooking in flight, or even just singeing off the fruit fly wings.
The sources were eventually determined to be a bag of bananas that someone left in the laundary room (meant to bring it up stairs but was forgetten
about whilst tending to the washing machine), and, of all things, a colony was going through the full egg, larva, pupa life cycle in the overflow
drain from one of the bathroom sinks.
I was satisfied with the performance and low risk/ low toxicity of the solution, but I can state freely my kids thought it was as kewl as could be...
(Whoosh.... evil laugh...)
[Edited on 16-9-2013 by Varmint]
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There finds a kewl in all of us
for some it lurks deeper than others, we try not to let it get the better of us
International Hazard
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kewl as I understand it is reckless and impetuous with no knowledge
of what they undertake. Beavis and Butthead types.
What AndersHoveland states is prudent but hardly needs said except to warn
an eight year old having little common sense. In any activity where fire is used
such as a barbecue , it is reasonable to have a fire extinguisher and actually a
towel in a bucket of water is a better choice. Automotive sports drivers wear
flameproof coveralls for effective protection. A water gun being plastic would
not be my first choice. The manually pressurized squirt can that exterminators
use is as good a choice as anything else for what is inherently risky , to play
with fire.
Being metal it should be insulated if connected to a high voltage source.
If you want to feel like god , try a high pressure washer.
Commercial grade in the four gallon per minute range.
This is essentially the ' Greek Fire Siphon ' that saw documented use
as far ago as the eighth century A.D. , so it's hardly rocket science.
Just in case anyone still has doubts about the concept
How it all began , really kewl , really.
So long as there are profoundly insipient people that believe they
better society by preventing sensible people from having firearms ,
alternatives will be found. But this concept strains the intellectual
limits of those responsible.
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franklyn, do you purposefully hit enter to start a new line once you've reached the end of the box where you type?
It's 2013, you're not using a typewriter anymore. Feel free to use more than one line per sentence.
I find it increasingly annoying to the point I wish the forum had a "word wrap" option.
All that glitters isn't gold.
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Not sure why I overlooked this before, but discussion of the production of weapons is forbidden. [closed]
Thread Opened 16-9-2013 at 16:54 |
International Hazard
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A comedic discussion of flame throwers in which the main victims are fruit flies?
I see no harm in this discussion so I have reopened it.
National Hazard
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when i was a kid we used to light plastic bottles with matches until we had a small flame going then put a stick in the mouth part. the plastiic burns
and burns until it starts dripping molten plastic that stay lit long after it hits the ground(ants).the plastic leaves a streak of smoke and the
flames make a zoop! sound as the fire rips through the air so we called them "zoops".ants in molten plastic also make a loud and sudden distinct sound
at the end of the zoop.then we would get a couple of drops on our bare feet and a bite or two from a red ant and go home with a fever.white clorox
bottles are the best.
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I remember, back in my kewlish days (4 years ago), making a flamethrower out of a spray bottle filled with isopropanol, with a coat hanger and cotton
ball attached to the nozzle for a pilot light. For some reason, my parents were more angered by the fact that I had taken their spray bottle without
asking than that I had made a flamethrower and could have easily burned myself.
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I've never constructed an actual flamethrower, but in my younger and more foolish days, we would take a can of deodorant (Axe) and hold a lighter
about 4-5 inches away. The flame was large and intimidating, but I wonder if a similar mechanism could be used here such as the formation of an
aerosol. That would be very interesting.
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We did that with ether\hexane starting fluid cans in my youth. Im shocked i survived to adulthood, and with no skin graphs...
[Edited on 19-9-2013 by Bot0nist]
U.T.F.S.E. and learn the joys of autodidacticism!
Don't judge each day only by the harvest you reap, but also by the seeds you sow.
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developing a interest for pyro or chemistry, offspringing from pyro, yes?
i actually know a guy where his dad one day told him to get the fuck off the computer and get in the backyard to mix some blackpowder 
he ordered KNO3 german dark Al and sulfur for him at his birthday.. problems with this would be he would just end up getting too fed with it, like..
he wouldnt gain interest because he never gave anything to get -- spoiled
its damn hard to un-spoil a person
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<strong>Antiswat</strong>, English isn't your first language, is it?
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If these <a href="" target="_blank">terrifying hornets</a> <img
src="../scipics/_ext.png" /> came into my region, I wouldn't hesitate to wield a Flammenwerfer—the bigger the better! Beautiful insects,
<table><tr><td><img src="" width="400"
/></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">Vespa
mandarinia</a></em> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" /></td></tr></table>
(I nearly built a propane-fueled flamethrower at my job, a few years ago, when the outside of the store where I worked was overrun with enormous
web-building spiders. The company was going to pay for the parts and fuel, but decided it was best to hire a professional pest control contractor...
a real shame. They let me do some strange things while I was there.)
[Apologies to anyone with <a href="" target="_blank">entomophobia</a> <img
src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />.]
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nope.. why, specifically?
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Oh, that old post? I just couldn't make sense of some of what you wrote.
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well summed up it was just..
people who dont do anything in order to get chemicals dont appreciate it and they spoil themselves that way..
thats why so many pyros often quit pyro after ordering a 99999 kg package with everything they will ever need.. interest just drops
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Attraction of the forbidden? Stolen apples have better flavor?