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Dental Mercury Amalgam
No, I'm not experimenting with it. 
I have Cervical Dystonia and am constantly trying to find out WHY? When I had blood tests last year, my neurologist had a blood mercury test run and
it came back as OK, whatever that means.
I had a temporary amalgam filling put in when I was 14 years old and just never bothered having it removed and refilled. There was a case of a woman
that had Dystonia and she had her fillings removed and her dystonia went away. Supposedly there were others that have had theirs removed and they
still have dystonia. I couldn't confirm those though.
From your viewpoints, do you think the mercury in amalgam fillings is enough to damage/alter DNA or cause CNS damage? I am also suffering from
dysarthria and it seems to be getting worse every day. I figure I will no longer be able to speak within a year or two if it continues. My latest MRI
came back clean as a whistle.
I realize most of you aren't doctors (mad scientist doesn't count), but I would appreciate your thoughts on how you would approach the situation if
you were losing your ability to speak and your neck muscles (sterno, mostly) twitched violently from the time you woke up until you went to sleep
every night.
They have tried every medicine possible for the dystonia (artane, baclofen, botox) and even some of the dopamine agonists, just for S&G's. Now,
I'm left grasping at straws. I'm starting the Ampicillin "test" in the morning.
I do also have hypo-thyroid and my latest blood tests came back Vitamin D deficient and Macrocytosis, but my neurologist didn't seem too concerned
about that, even though I'm reading dysarthria could be caused by numerous things such as this. Again, I'm just asking WWYD? I'll shut up now. Thanks.
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I would do just as you are doing now, reach out seeking information.
And I would get a second, third and a fourth opinion if you can afford it.
Educate yourself in the disease and it causes/"cures" and request your test results as they came from the lab so you can look at them yourself.
I give this advise since most people do not realise that MDs ar mostly ignorant bastards not fit to care for humans, they do it just for the money and
status. Though some may be ingenious, most are just regular humans with little to no care or interest in their patients wellcare, just their
Enough MD hate reanting from me, but I think you are on the right path looking for information yourself, just remember to write down and reference all
your research so you won't forget it.
Best of luck to you!
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I'm fairly sure they're no unreasonable source of DNA damage. Eating sea food is probably the largest dietary source.
On a side note, around 30% of the UK mercury air pollution is caused by cremation.
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International Hazard
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You most certainly don't have this condition because of your one amalgam. No offense, but you sound like a victim of amalgam scare.
Things happening to you might have a genetic background. You should visit a specialist, and I mean a real doctor without a quack background
(homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractics, etc.).
"There are cases of" - forget ramblings like these. They are almost always blatant lies.
If this stuff progresses, you really could be suffering from a genetic disease.
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Quote: Originally posted by bahamuth  | I give this advise since most people do not realise that MDs ar mostly ignorant bastards not fit to care for humans, they do it just for the money and
status. Though some may be ingenious, most are just regular humans with little to no care or interest in their patients wellcare, just their
| As opposed to other human beings who care so deeply for their fellow man and never give a thought to how
they will pay the mortgage and student loans.
I wonder why most people do not realize it, but you are such an expert.
Acutally all physicians are just regular human beings.
Bon Vivant
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That's funny, I'll have to remember it.
Or try to, as I have 5 or 6 mercury amalgam fillings. I've also handled the salts of it, and love my canned tuna sandwiches.
I'm not sure if they use the plastic fillings in the US now, but I've not known anyone in the UK to have them. They're all the mercury amalgams and
I've not heard of anyone having any issues related to them.
As far as I'm aware, mercury's main neurological effect is that it blocks the growth cones of dendrites in the brain. You'd probably have a more
widespread problem if that was happening (e.g. inability to remember / cognitive problems). The peripheral nervous system doesn't really do as much
growing as the dendrites in the brain. And problems like skeletal muscle acting up, I would expect to be related to something else.
I get extremely bad back / neck pain; my shoulders make a kind of rubbing / clicking sound if I circle them, and my right ankle clicks when tilted in
a certain direction. I saw the doctor twice about that, before finding out it's called a 'subluxing peroneal brevis' in my own time - tendon is
sliding out of the groove. I expect my shoulders constantly being sore is partly related to that.
You would be wise to look through the list of causes for dysarthria / dystonia and start ruling those out rather than concentrate solely on the
What I'd do, before anything drastic or giving up, is pay for an hour long back and neck massage from a pro. Just to be sure that it can't be helped
by that.
[Edited on 14-3-2012 by peach]
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Personally I wouldn't be concerned about it. However it is apparent that you are concerned at least to some degree. That being the case, get it
removed. The power of positive thinking is impressive indeed, even if it is not the true cause it might well help the symptoms at least feel
alleviated to some extent.
Regarding mercury in dental fillings I have never had any issues, the only issues I hear about on a person to person level are from plastic fillings
breaking/falling out in a short amount of time and the estrogen mimics that they use in the curing process that can cause issues down the road.
Bon Vivant
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How about eating home made cake and biting down on a bit of stray tinfoil - ziiiiing!
One my amalgams is missing right now. And I had another fall out a while ago. Seem to be rejecting the mercury. Or eating too many sweets.
I've heard people point out that having the amalgams removed may actually expose the wearer to more mercury than they would have done had they been
left in; due to the dust produced when drilling them out.
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has studied the health risks of dental amalgam for years, including convening panels of outside experts to study
the question.
There is a White Paper on the issue.
Googling the site will turn up other resources.
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Is there still countries that allow mercury amalgam fillings? It has been shown that such fillings are a significant source of tissue mercury. (see
Nylander et al Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to exposure from dental amalgam fillings.) Also well know is that
heavey metaltoxicity is more than additive, i.e. toxicity depends on the dose of Hg+Cd+Cu+Zn etc. In addition, it has been proposed that dietary
selenium to some degree counteract such toxicity. Thus if you live in a country with agricultural soils high in Cd and Low in selenium, Dental mercury
vapour can be a significant source of metal toxicity. Moreover, significant individual diffrences in sensitivity towards metals exisits. That beeing
said, sub-chronic heavy metal poisoning is seldom (but sometimes) the problem behind neurotoxicological insults. However, it is allways a good idea to
substitute the mercury fillings for more modern materials.
I took a PhD in neuropharmacology and all I got was this bloody t-shirt.
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It's not the amalgam. The amalgam is basically non-toxic. Less toxic than metallic mercury, which, in and of itself, is basically non-toxic (when
taken orally). Eating a spoon full of liquid mercury will not hurt one much.
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I second (or third, or whatever) the comments saying that one amalgam filling is unlikely to be the cause of your health issues. I would also not be
as quick as your MD to dismiss the other findings, like vitamin D deficiency. While I do not believe that to be a cause of your dystonia, I also do
not believe that most MDs are competent to treat chronic disease. They do pretty well on the infectious stuff, but don't really understand how and
why the body works. Therefore, they don't understand the inverse - why it doesn't. If you have a digestive or auto-immune issue, that may be an
aggravating factor in other systemic problems. Keep looking.
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Many people in the USA have been KILLED by dental mercury amalgam! With documented indisputable proof!
There are other cases not at hand, I don't have all day!
Moment of silence 
[Edited on 28-10-2012 by S.C. Wack]
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triplepoint: yeh, a blood test ran through a computer can tell a lot, but doesn't make for a good AP. Good MD's, typically, in my experience, are
male, and maybe 10-20 years away from retirement. They have their office in a hospital , not a clinic or any other BS like that.
This is not to say there aren't other good Allopathics. It is just my general experience. And they are not afraid to use a powerful drug when it's
called for, and will use an older drug which is superior, even if it annoys the reps trying to hock their latest in patent krap. Wack: I really
never heard of anyone dying from an amalgam filling, but anything is possible, I suppose. There is always exception, it seems. Perhaps this
individual had anapalaxis to Hg? But then how would one explain away all the coal plants. One thing seems pretty obvious, us Humans are constantly
having the blinds drawn over us, as much as is possible.
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Well perhaps if this is the case it comes to some sort of predisiposition?
I ,like Peach, have amalgam dental work and a great deal more than Peach.Literally a whole mouthful that has been in place for 30 years plus. Haven't
had any significant health issues (yet).
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I agree the Hg is an unlikely culprit. I'd look at Gluten sensitivity. See a naturopath.
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I disagree. The naturopaths that I've run across are much the same as the homeopaths and the psychopaths. They spout a ridiculous mixture of basic
common sense (eat right, exercise, get some sleep) and nonsense that was proven useless centuries ago (magnetic bracelets, ion-wave footbaths,
homeopathy, "germs don't cause disease", ear-candling). And a general phobia of "allopathy" (their derogatory term for anything that isn't homeopathy
or naturopathy).
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It is possible that there is a cause & effect between the amalgam and your condition. Don't let any Dr. dissuade you from the path you must now
take. You need to collect lots of information on females who have had these cheap metallic fillings associated with the cervical distonia. Be sure
they understand that the information they provide may be used in court at a later date. Not all class-actions make lawyers rich, If you have
convincing data which is significant, this simply can not just be ignored. If you do the leg work, and hire a good, compassionate attorney (make sure
before hand that their fee will be modest). You have a good case to argue for millions in damages. Feel free to msg. me with any pertinent
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much, much worse is Al and this shit is used everywere in food & cooking.
one of the first symptoms of Hg poisoning is falling teeth, so is a bit silly this paranoia. 
Is not it funny that you get mercury in the teeth to prevent the total destruction and fall?
not many decades ago mercury (metal) was used in "official" medecine.
as there are people who say nonsense in favor of Hg for economic reasons, as there are people who say nonsense against Hg for 1001 absurd reasons.
the subject is a bit more complex than this.
keep calm and don't worry, I think no actual doctors known what is Hg poisoning because... who are the crazy playing with calomel or corrosible
I swallowed some of my old & lost amalg. and I remains the same
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What is wrong with Al ?
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Some people have unconvincingly linked it to an increased risk of Alzheimer's.
<a href="" target="_blank">Aluminium Health Concerns</a> <img
src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />
<a href="" target="_blank">Aluminium toxicity in dialysis patients</a>
<img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />
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I thought that that "link" was due to them detecting the aluminum in the stain they used for the cells.
Edit: Never mind, the study I was thinking about was testing if aluminum in the pigment was neurotoxic. It showed a slight effect at large
I'd still rather have Al in my brain than Hg.
[Edited on 3-1-2014 by Cheddite Cheese]
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co2 when cooled --> carbonic acid, so when you enjoy an Al soda cans. you get a lot of Al in your brain.
if a person is poisoned by Al get dementia or alzehimer and is lost in the twilight zone, if by Hg the person have salvation.
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Used to eat around 640g canned tuna every day for a year or two. Calculate this,
Like 500kg of tuna right. No wonder I went from someone who remembers easily to an idiot in this time. Haven't ate it for 6 months and brain actually
feels better.
I'm starting to think it's not a joke because I suffered some strange thinking problems I never had before.
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The inside of a soda can is coated with plastic (however, this may not be any healthier, depending on whether it has estrogen mimicking chemicals,
such as BPA).
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