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National Hazard
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Only just . . . 
International Hazard
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Seems like a lot of spam shows up in the later hours (early am, EST) when not many people are on the board. Or maybe the reaction time of mods is
merely slower for the same reason.
If handing out partial mod powers is even possible and deemed a good idea by the powers that be, I'd volunteer for a strictly spam-destroying
Department of Redundancy Department - Now with paperwork!
'In organic synthesis, we call decomposition products "crap", however this is not a IUPAC approved nomenclature.' -Nicodem
National Hazard
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I would volunteer as well. I'm a bit newer but mods can look through my U2Us and see I have reported tons of spam when the threads have few views.
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Ditto, I love reporting spam.
Though, it does seem to get deleted pretty fast as of now. I have only seen it get backed up bad a couple times. Are more spam deleters needed?
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National Hazard
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Quote: | Ditto, I love reporting spam. |
You'd kinda miss spam, then? ( )
Masochism . . . ? ( )
National Hazard
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haha, but I agree, spam destroying positions probably arn't needed in SM's current state, I'm more offering myself if the mods feel more people can't
hurt. Also, if we ever do the user's-first-post-must-be-approved-thing, which I doubt we will do, we should have more people.
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Quote: | Also, I hope the "spam reported"posts help from keeping us from flooding the mod and admins boxes. |
As Nicodem said, this is definitely helpful. If we don't have to dig through 10 spam reports all reporting the same post, we're more likely to deal
with it quickly.
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Perhaps we could add a semi-automated spam deletion feature to the forum. A button would go right next to the current "REPORT" button that would say
"SPAM". When a member clicks on the button, the post doesn't get reported as spam, but instead gets a spam point against it. As the spam points
accumulate, when a predetermined threshold is reached, the post is automatically deleted. In the case of serial spambots, the account is
automatically disabled and the moderators notified via U2U of the deactivation. They then review the deactivation to be sure it's valid before
banning the IP.
[Edited on 3/13/12 by bfesser]
White Yeti
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What happened lately?! My mailbox was filled with 20+ messages overnight! I don't subscribe to many threads either.
Are spammers organising? Four spammers or more within the span of 24h is quite a feat!
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International Hazard
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I would also volunteer for a spam-busting role. . . .I haven't been here all that long, just over 4 months, but I really wanna help and do some good
around here
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White Yeti
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Spam-busting could be something that alternates between people over the span of the day. I'm sure Polverone and all the moderators are not equally
available throughout the day, so if you could get a group of volunteers to take up certain distinct times of the day, it would be easier on the
I'm idealistic as usual, but what do you think about that kind of system? Of course, everyone has to be dedicated and truly active during the span of
time they sign up for. You'd probably need 2 or 3 people for the same span of time, so when someone is not here, someone else replaces him.
Besides, it's not like this forum is rained upon too heavily by spam.
"Ja, Kalzium, das ist alles!" -Otto Loewi
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Quote: | When a member clicks on the button, the post doesn't get reported as spam, but instead gets a spam point against it. As the spam points accumulate,
when a predetermined threshold is reached, the post is automatically deleted. |
That's an alright idea, but it'd also be possible for people with multiple accounts here to abuse the button. One way to partially solve that would be
to only give the button to members who've been here for years.
How about just a separate spam button that, once clicked, is disabled for the post.
I don't really have much knowledge of how flexible the forum code is in terms of fitting these things in.
Since the spammers don't bother visiting first and building up an account, and I do like the introductory idea, I also like the 'first post section'
idea. When the bot signs up to spam, it can go in there and then won't be able to post any more until someone's clicked that they're an actual person.
Just have say, ten or twenty people moderating that one subsection.
National Hazard
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MOst spam bots post their spam on the first topic possible. There should be a Spam Box before Chemistry in General so most spam is put there. Every
time an account puts a comment there, the account gets deleted. How about that?
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Another spam bot joined today: vightmwu. 5 posts that are nearly unintelligible and seem to be advertising. Sigh...
White Yeti
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This may be premature, but I'd keep my eye on "Explosci". He seems to be (over)advertising his website. His website is printed in his mood, quote,
username and profile. He's clearly not a bot, but all 3 of his posts are him advertising his website.
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International Hazard
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I'd like to reiterate my above point given the recent resurgence of spam. I am on this forum at all sorts of hours when mods are not around and I'd
happily trash some spam posts to make removal faster if anyone cares -that- much.
Department of Redundancy Department - Now with paperwork!
'In organic synthesis, we call decomposition products "crap", however this is not a IUPAC approved nomenclature.' -Nicodem
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Do we have a captcha on registration or anything? All the posts I've been seeing look like random generated user names. Just bots running wild; if
that's the case, it's amazing this place isn't simply swamped. (Maybe it is, which would be a testament to our moderators' commitment!)
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There's a captcha on registration. Many of the spammers have gmail addresses, so that's another set of captchas they have passed.
PGP Key and corresponding e-mail address
International Hazard
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Polverone, could a select number of members who are trusted, regular posters be given the facility to delete spam as they find it?
International Hazard
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I would volunteer. I've noticed a few spammers of late and am on more frequently...
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International Hazard
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I'm still wondering about the part where a reported thread puts a message in your U2U to every moderator. After a while, deleting all those "Spam
reported" posts to keep your inbox clean gets a little old. Perhaps they just shouldn't show up in the inbox at all?
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International Hazard
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Polverone is compiling the list as we squeak . . .
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I have volunteered my assistance in the past.
Just a note, on another forum I manage I have found that many spammers have the same email address and banning by email has been somewhat effective.
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I volunteer.
kill spam bad spam kill spam
International Hazard
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If spammers were ignored completely they'd soon go away . . .
Seeing their posts get no views would quickly put them off!
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