Hazard to Self

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Registered: 22-2-2012
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Anyone willing to trade?
I have a 24/40 400mm graham condenser that i would like to trade for a 24/40 300mm+ leibig condenser. I will also include an adapter for the
condenser. U2U me if interested!
I will also sell if interested. $55.00 for the condenser and the adapter.
(ps- i have only used the condenser once and it is very clean. no chips, cracks, or anything!)
[Edited on 20-10-2012 by TheChemINC]
[Edited on 20-10-2012 by TheChemINC]
International Hazard
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I don't get it?
Why would anyone want to swap the efficiency of a graham for the short vapour-path of a liebig?
International Hazard
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strange, as you say his is longer and more efficient. maybe for a very small scale distillation?
can you please tell us?
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National Hazard
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Personally I don't like Graham condenser, we only use it for absolutizing/redistilling solvents.
A Liebig is not so efficient that's true, but it is easier to clean and if you distill something what could crystallize in the condenser then a liebig
is the best (e.g: at vacuum distillation).
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Hazard to Self

Posts: 61
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Mood: fuming
basically what kistofvgyok said..... a leibig would be alot easier to clean and i dont like having the apparatus set up so high either. I would just
rather have a leibig instead of a graham condenser.
So are any of you intersested?
International Hazard
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i think you would be better off cleaning it really well and selling it as new on ebay. a graham is worth a lot more than a liebig! that way you have
some extra money to spend on glass
all above information is intellectual property of Pyro. 
Hazard to Self

Posts: 61
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Mood: fuming
i think i might. i want to get the leibig and some things from doctor bob. I need more glassware!
International Hazard
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Quote: | I would just rather have a leibig instead of a graham condenser. |
Thanks, we're seeing our liebigs in a new light ─ you'll need to up the offer? 
Hazard to Self

Posts: 61
Registered: 22-2-2012
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Mood: fuming
haha yeah... i think a package deal with the condenser and the adapter is plenty. I spent about $75.00 on both and i have only used it once.
International Hazard
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As said earlier, ebaying it would seem your best recourse . . .
Hazard to Self

Posts: 61
Registered: 22-2-2012
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Mood: fuming
yeah i think i am going to go with that
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Is there somewhere trade subtopic for trades in Europe? (can be in different domain .. forum(s)). I'm mostly interested in used items. Also I can get
quite cheaply different chemicals, but this is only suitable for european (EU) users as shipping to overseas can be very expensive even inside the EU
can cost a lot, but I don't have any experiences selling or trading chemicals. I actually planning to start a small chemical wholesale or possible
retail company - all references to this material are welcome; who are running chemical companies here and where this kind of general talk is
discussed. to get some capital to start producing some pain medicines from non opium containing poppies(as opium poppies needs fences and cameras
everywhere) to get thebaine (or it can be first imported) and/or expensive reagent chemicals. To start with something like this needs a lot of money
and investments and know-how plus licenses and other paper work.
International Hazard
Posts: 1305
Registered: 6-4-2012
Location: Gent, Belgium
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what do you want? I live in Belgium and might be able to sell you a few things.
all above information is intellectual property of Pyro. 