Waffles SS
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Unbelievable Electromagnetic motor
Quote: |

Electro magnetic motor with alternator case and control panel.
300kw output per hour, designed for constant running. 400volt 3 phase 451 amp total
The 300kw generator has the ability to produce 290kw per hour constantly.
The units comes complete with alternator control panel and case .
Alternator: Hitachi, Bosch or AEG are used, depending on the type, volt and amp rating vary.
European standard : 400 volt 3 phase 541 amps depending on type of alternator.
3 x 240 volt outlet sockets.
1x 400 volt outlet socket.
Direct mains connectable
EMM Motor: output 300kw continuous through a 2x1 ratio gearbox.
Weight: 1350kg + depending on configuration.
Dimensions: 1.6m Long x 1.2m Wide x 1.4m High
Continuous power 50Hz European standard or 60Hz American Std
No blackouts
No fuel
5 years guarantee conditional
Really it is believable?No Fuel! No electric Power needed!
I suggest see clip of this device
[Edited on 3-4-2010 by Waffles SS]
Hazard to Others
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No, it's obviously not believable. You can't make energy from nothing, period.
National Hazard
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Hmm. I think they've missed something.
They've either missed the power source, or they forgot to run down to the patent office as quickly as possible to patent their perpetual motion
“If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found
the object of his search.
I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.”
International Hazard
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300kw per hour is not a set of units that make sense (it should be either joules/calories per hour, which would be outre but at least describe a level
of power, or else just 300kilowatts sans any time unit). The inclusion and repetition of so fundamental an error in units suggests that these people
have no idea what they're talking about.
Waffles SS
Posts: 998
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Please See clip:
(also you can see it in botton of page)
It seems it used nano magnet with special status
license page is interesting
International Hazard
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Mood: Pulverulescent!
Is it scam or joke - it's both scam *and* joke - it's Perendev!
And that Brady dude looks like a real shady character?
[Edited on 4-4-2010 by hissingnoise]
International Hazard
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300 KW output translates to about 400 horsepower.
15 KW is overkill in any household application , as peak
consumption could be expected to be 6 to 7 KW.
30,000 BTU ( efficient ) Air conditioning is around 3 KW.
If the device requires hookup to be maintained to the
utility grid then this could simply be an energy storage
flywheel device. As a leasee of the device you would
be receiving energy stored by it , powered up probably
at night at a negociated low rate from the utility to the
leasor. Why else is the unit installed sealed and monitored
so you can't peak inside.
The site is so vague as to entirely occlude what exactly is being offered.
I'm not the only one confused , see _
Perendev 300kW Magnet Motor for Sale
Enter " Perendev " into Google for cursory research.
For a more down to earth energy provider see http://www.bloomenergy.com
This is a turnkey tried and true fuel cell that has an operating efficiency of around 50 %
[Edited on 4-4-2010 by franklyn]
Hazard to Others
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Haha I like this line:
'Draws energy from magnetic principles not presently appreciated by mainstream science.'
International Hazard
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Wether one can or not is a reason to do research. Energy at the zero point ,
what is better termed the Dirac field , is created and destroyed continuously
such that what is perceivable is only the net average , zero. The question
at hand is can a bias be introduced. An energy sink would be as effective as
a net positive energy source. This is what Casimir effect attempts to produce.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect
See " Proposed free energy devices " here _ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy
Before present understanding of quantum particle behavior the precursor
to this thinking was " Maxwell's demon " which hypothetically would sort
Brownian motion into it's high and low energy counterparts. Also known
as perpetual motion of the 2nd class , since it does not " create energy ".
Energy and matter being equivalent , one should by similar reasoning be
able to create an object from nothing. It happened at least once , the
" big bang " origin of cosmology.
International Hazard
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Mood: Pulverulescent!
Nothing is what you get from nothing - and seeing a connection between quantum field theory and Perendev is some kind of wishful thinking.
The thing's a hoax, and an obvious one at that!
International Hazard
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Odds are 99.99 percent on your side hissingnoise
I believe it was the late Carl Sagan that was quoted saying
" extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence "
fair enough ?
National Hazard
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Even the picture is fake: Notice those little screws ? no 1100 kg-device ist built that way ...
Also it doesn't look like any sort of high-power mechanics ..., instead maybe it's the interior of some coffe-machine ...
International Hazard
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Devices like these all work on the same principle and that principle is; 'there's one born every minute'!
Nothing new under the sun?
[Edited on 5-4-2010 by hissingnoise]
International Hazard
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Rigorous Testing
The perpetuity of the perpetual moton inventor
and the hits just keep on coming
and coming
many viewable on Youtube
Why won't it work ? Grr
Modern Interpretation
Look but you can't touch
Quasi-mobile , it kinda goes
Not another Perpetual Motion machine ,
Philosophical Perpetual Motion always looks great , on paper
As the wheel turns, 9 becomes 6
and 6 becomes 9 , which being
greater than 6 weighs down the
left side more than the right
always turning counterclockwise.
