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I actually dont buy directly over ebay. i am now quite a good customer from a chemical supplier on ebay that will offer me chemicals outside of ebay
very cheaply and pretty much any on request, he has a special chemical traders licence and will pick me up stuff like benzaldehyde on request no
questions asked. when i buy stuff like bromine and lithium from him he will only allow collection in person which ain't really a problem considering
he only lives 30 Min's away. I believe he has stopped trading on ebay though. and will gladly sell for cash so i think i would rather buy from him
reagent grade rather than extract the stuff. Thanks anyway though
Hazard to Self

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many of us would be too happy to have such a good source so i would suggest you
to get proper laboratory equipment (and chemistry knowledge) and then try some sure-to-work reactions... and don't do anything stupid to get yourself
and/or the supplier in trouble
there is said to be at least one nitroethane supplier in US... but hey, propiophenone, nitrites and dithionite aren't even that suspicious...
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Quote: | Originally posted by Organikum
Quote: | Originally posted by comfort_develops
Quote: | Originally posted by jon
4-methylaminorex produces seizures very easily. It has a steep dose resonse curve meaning one dose will get you high, a little more and your
breakdancing. |
Thats true, 2 hours after taking ~90 mg breathing became quite hard, and a wierd pressure was felt.
This compound seems quite dangerous, but the turn is somehow unique. Better dose very low. |
For sure the dose - response curve of 4-MAR is steeper then for other drugs. But look: 90mg trans-4-methyl-aminorex resembles about 400mg of
methamphetamine if you transcribe the recommended dosages from EROWID correctly. And how would 400mg of pure d-methamphetamine hit you?
The main fault was that i expexted Meth like effects.
First time i took ~30 mg, the effects where there but not as speedy as meth.
So i thought the product might not be clean, as swims ppa came from an messy akabori run - and it was so extremly bitter that i thought it had to
contain some unwanted byproduct´s (thoug the salt has been washed).
So i took 90 mg and was kind of fucked up.
Swim made a second synth with clean ppa and the product was still VERY bitter , also rock hard on the lungs.
Anyone can confirm this?
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Registered: 22-6-2007
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If i made up some of the stuff i wouldn't expect meth like effects cas i have never done meth.
Its virtually non existant in the uk. I have done a meth run but never sampled the product.
In the UK meth have a verry bad reputation. Whether that's warranted or not i do not know.
What i do no is that the nearest thing i have got to meth is base spead (amphetamine) or coke.
I hated speed as it never really did much for me, coke I luckily never really got into.
A bit to much of an expensive habit. But i seriously doubt either compare to meth or 4-methylaminorex
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"Compare and contrast your drug experiences" is not a very chemistry-oriented topic. Open a new thread if you want to revisit chemical topics
regarding this compound.
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