I was actually looking at the Edmund catalogue, the cutoff filters are pretty dear, but if they are likely to work (same for the grating - the more
lines the better, right?) then it will work out comparatively cheap anyhow. I was actually reading up on how they take multiple images in astronomy in
order to cancel out the noise.
So, if I got one of the higher end diffraction gratings from the catalogue, the rayleigh scattered light would be recorded, but it could then be
PS What about if the sample was put in a colloidal silver solution? I was reading that this would improve the return significantly? If so, colloidal
silver kits are available (although a touch expensive). This book (http://tinyurl.com/4a3gno) does, from page 129, detail the preparation of colloidal silver from readily available silver nitrate (using either
trisodium citrate or borohydride) for Surface Enhanced Raman. Would this be of any practical utility for what I am thinking of?
Whhhoooppps, that sure didn't work