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Assigning electronic transitions
How do we find the what kind of electronic transition it is for a molecule computationally? How do we arrive at any of the following transition for
any UV-Vis spectroscopy of organic molecules.
σ → σ*
π → π*
n → σ*
n → π*
Can someone please tell me how it is done.
International Hazard
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What soft-ware suite are you using? I'm not a computational chemist but I'm pretty confident these can be derived from DOS data. So, one could use say
GAMESS under a UVVIS experiment get the DOS from Gassum or Gabedit and do the more involved analysis via another soft-ware. I'm not sure if there's a
cookie cutter way about it.
Posts: 2
Registered: 4-11-2015
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to get data of UV-Vis via Computation,TD-DFT is useful.Time-dependent density functional theory.Gaussian could be adopted to perform TD-DFT.
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