PureFluids - Calculation of thermodynamic properties FREE
A friend of mine has put a lot of work over the past years in creating a program which is now available in the Appstore for free.
The program is able to calculate the Helmholtz free energy for various pure fluids using equations of state (EOS) collected from the scientific
Properties that can be obtained include:
inner energy, enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free energy, entropy, heat capacity at constant V and P, ideal heat capacity at constant P, speed
of sound, isobaric expansion coefficient, relative pressure coefficient, isothermal compressibility, Joule Thompson coefficient, isentropic
temperature-pressure coefficient, isothermal throttling coefficient, isothermal stress coefficient, second virial and third coefficient, fugacity and
fugacity coefficient and the compressibility factor
It is called PureFluids and for now 40 pure fluids are implemented.
Included are the noble gases
He,Ne,Ar,Kr and Xe
as well as simple molecules i.e.
CH4, CO, COS, CO2, H2O, N2O
and more complex compounds like
octane, propane, hexafluoroethane, 2-propanone, toluene...
and so on.
In case you have any questions, please remember to direct them to him at http://www.physchemgeo.com, as i do not have the proper knowledge to answer them.
However if you like it or have anything you want to discuss with other members of the forum, please feel free to reply to this thread 