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Chemical Reaction Databases/Lists
I am searching for downloadable lists or databases of chemical reactions. The larger the list the better, but I am interested in anything people may
know about. This is for my personal computing project to combinatorially generate sets of feasible chemical process flowsheets based on chemical
reactions. I can find online chemical reaction databases (e.g. NIST, etc.), but they only show single reactions based on manually inputed searches.
If I found a list with tens of millions of valid reactions that would be spectacular, no list is too large... Anyone have any suggestions?
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I believe someone did that a couple of years ago, collecting "all" chemical knowledge etc. If I am not mistaken the people behind it found a couple of
new reactions(or on new substrates) and proved them based on the computational output of the database. Regrettably I do not remember the project name
or people behind it..
Cannot help you with the lists either.. They exist, I have seen some, not in the millions but a lot smaller (10s-100s). But the real problem with
scientific databases unless very old is that they are incomplete at best, leaving big holes; or the "syntax", like the format or the naming is
retarded in some few percent of the cases making it very hard to do anything complete, and unbiased.
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Posts: 49
Registered: 19-1-2013
Location: United States
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Mood: Researching
64 Free Chemistry Databases
Thanks for the note. Just to follow up on my own question and put one answer in this thread, here is a useful link of "64 Free Chemistry Databases:
“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
-Albert Einstein