Posts: 3
Registered: 21-11-2018
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Help me make calculator programmes to aid chemistry calculations
I want to make calculator programmes to aid calculations in exams. But I'm not quite sure how to make more complicated commands. One calculation is
elemental analysis of organic compounds. The programme can start like this:
Where A, B, C, D is the % of C, H, N, O and X is molar/molecular mass.
Then divide everything by the smallest number among the 4. If C/14.01 is smallest then divide the others by C/14.01. If D/16 is smallest then divide
the others by D/16. So the problems are: how to tell the calculator to determine which is the smallest? And if the compound doesn't contain N
or O, C/14.01 or D/16 will be 0. How do I tell the calculator to ignore 0 in this case? If the compound has other elements like Cl or S that I
normally don't expect in questions how to add an optional space to fill in the mass % and atomic weight of the elements? (I can press exe on
calculator if not needed to skip them)
Next is determine molar mass. Assume number of C:H:N:O=4.02:10.09:2.05:2.00 how to tell the calculator "all of them is +/- x% (maybe 10?)
within the acceptable range so it's good enough so you can stop to tell me this combination (rounding not needed)" or "one of them is too large/small
and is outside the range so please continue to go up"? If the question didn't mention molar mass and I'll have to determine the structure from
empirical formula and other info like IR and NMR (assume no mass spec) how to tell the calculator to stop at the empirical formula? (When calculator
ask me at "?→X", I have to either press exe to skip or press 0, depend on how the programme work)
My calculator has only 4 places to store custom programmes so I hope to use only 1 place to store this programme. The calculator model is Casio fx-50F
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
[Edited on 21-11-2018 by anon]
Posts: 3
Registered: 21-11-2018
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Hello? Please help, it's URGENT
[Edited on 22-11-2018 by anon]
International Hazard
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Registered: 8-2-2015
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I doubt that you will get much help here because I'm not aware of a member with Casio programming skills that would want to be involved in such a
Will you trust your examination result to a hurriedly programmed untested programme ?
CAUTION : Hobby Chemist, not Professional or even Amateur
Posts: 3
Registered: 21-11-2018
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OK, go at your own speed. There may be future situations where I need the program for calculations.