Sciencemadness Discussion Board

journal access exchanges

chemrox - 27-1-2008 at 01:29

The med students have forums where they exchange library logins. Only a few of these have ACS access built-in and the logins don't last that long. I haven't seen that kind of information exchanged here, except in PM, and I wonder why not. The topic is much on my mind since my primary ACS access died this weekend.

solo - 27-1-2008 at 06:29

You said it yourself they don't last long and the wider the spread of the access the shorter the entry lasts......some forums disguise the password and access so that google doesn't find them and post them such ...if the pasword is "given"......then it's disguised as g*iv*en also the link is converted to a tinyurl link so it too won't be found by it's extra work to protect the resources and on a large forum like this and with so many breaching the access to the reference section the information would not last anymore than by finding a password every few days to the journal of our liking......yes it's a lot of work....a point to be remembered by those that just repetedly ask for references and never post a stich as to the information acquired.............solo

chemrox - 27-1-2008 at 22:02

I hear you. I just lost my ACS and found out trying to get embrjk some refs... still can't get a decent T. Lett. portal. Sigh...

kmno4 - 28-1-2008 at 12:56

The more forums with EZs, the quicker they stop working. And - summa summarum - it turns against users really needing such access. Simple and obvious. If you cannot find access to ACS (via ez) during 10 minutes and using Google only - you must be blind. It is brutal truth.