Originally posted by Klute
You've still got sodium acetate and 2-phenylethanol there..
C6H5-CH2-C(O)-O-CH2CH3 --NaOH--> C6H5-CH2-COO-Na+ + CH3-CH2-OH
I think a hour or two reflux with 10% excess base in ethanol/H2O mixture would be just fine... The recation could be folowed by TLC, and the formed
phenylacetate should be too sensitive to excess base, even with heating.
Is phenylaectic acid a solid? If it isn't too soluble in water, you could even distill off EtOH/water until reaching H2O's bp, and then cool and
acidify with conc. acid to precipiatte the phenylacetic acid..
If your ester is pur enough, there wiouldn't much needed is recrystallizing the phneylacetate,a s any trapped abse would be neutralized by the acid,
and even after acidifying a recrysatllized phenylacetate, you will still have sodium/potassium sulfate/chloride to remove, so you would better be off
purifying the acid if it is more practical (distn?).
I guess the ester must smell nice, I'ev heard the acid itself is pretty bad smelling! |