Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Extracting essential oil from Cannabis (NOT THC)

stoichiometric_steve - 5-12-2007 at 23:31

a friend of mine wants to make some kind of after shave from his industrial hemp, and he doesnt know how to selectively extract the volatile essential oils from his plant material. would steam distillation do the job?

jesus. google sure is good: LINK

[Edited on 6-12-2007 by stoichiometric_steve]

solo - 6-12-2007 at 08:47

Here is a book on essential oil frangrance and chemistry which may be of some use with your friends project.......solo

JohnWW - 6-12-2007 at 13:46

Thanks, solo.

Regardless of what the Pigs try to have us believe, I reckon cannabis, including its THC and other cannabinoids, as well as its non-cannabinoid essential oil, is good for you, provided you do not inhale or ingest too much of it. Unlike cocaine or heroin, the psychotropic compounds in pot (cannabinoids) are not alkaloids, and as such have a much lower potential for addiction. It is certainly much safer than tobacco (I have not heard of even ONE case of death from lung cancer from smoking pot) and alcohol (I have not heard of even ONE case of death, either from driving under the influence of pot, or from cannabinoid poisoning).

Pot is also a powerful analgesic, being of use in cases of chronic pain where opiates like morphine/heroin either do not work or are addictive.

The whole criminalization of cannabis business, which has been around only since about 1960, is a massive multinational conspiracy by the tobacco and alcohol industries, to maintain their monopolies on recreational drugs. I wonder how much they lobbied congresses and parliaments to get them to outlaw pot, and how much they paid in the process. If pot was legalized, it would destroy the lucrative black-market for it, from which criminal gangs profit enormously.

solo - 6-12-2007 at 18:32

I don't wish to derail this thread, but if your friend is extracting he may want to separate the CBD and use it for some deadly diseases of this forum's long time member has cancer and this can help him ....the Canadians have made it an airasol and use it to treat various types of,//////////////solo

Attachment: CBD studied in alternative chemotherapy.pdf (66kB)
This file has been downloaded 1490 times

stoichiometric_steve - 7-12-2007 at 11:00

thanks solo and JohnWW. i also do believe in the healing powers of cannabis (besides its stress relieving properties).

there was one article (the second one in the references section from the above-linked wikipedia article) which stated that the cannabinoids are destroyed during steam distillation. i don't know if this is true...can someone comment on this?