Hi !!
One thing that isn't mentioned is that Grignard reaction yield's vary with the halogen used. Chlorine is slower and harder to make grignards out of,
but gives better yields. Bromine is easier but yields are lower than chlorine, and Iodine is even easeir but yiuelds are low ( relative to one
onother, any grignard gives very good yields !! ) the reason is that there are
some side reactions that grignards can have and deplete the magnesium and alkyl halide. some examples are, The alkyl halide can react in the surface
of the magnesium lik in Wurtz reaction ( 2RX + Mg = R-R + MgX2)If the halogen is replaced fast ( Tertiary alkyl halides ) the exces halide can react
with the grignard ( RMgX + RX = R-R + MgX2)formation of alkenes, and maeby others i don't know.
in general alkyl Bromides are the most often used. Because alkyl chlorides are hard to make, alkyl iodides are expensive to make.