Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Litterature-Name reactions

sebinou - 19-10-2007 at 05:32

Hi there!

For those interested, I put on the net the book

Name Reactions, Third Edition
by Jie Jack Li

It's in PDF and in two parts.

Sauron - 19-10-2007 at 06:00

Alas, is blocked by government here, I don't know why.

chemrox - 19-10-2007 at 17:03

I just looove governments!!


Thank you, good choice! (expensive book)

Sauron - 20-10-2007 at 00:53

Would either of you kindly go upload that to or so I can download it, please?

sebinou - 20-10-2007 at 07:28

I put the file on 4shared.

Here is the link:

Sauron - 20-10-2007 at 07:50

Merci beaucoup!

HOWEVER upon accessing your 4shared folder I was immediately attacked by some stupid lotto malware, classic trojan spyware stuff, "You are the 999,999th visitor, you've WON! Click HERE

So I am sutting down to run my antimalware routines now.

I am a 4shared user and have never encountered this on there before.

[Edited on 20-10-2007 by Sauron]

chemrox - 20-10-2007 at 11:56

I will email you the zip file if you prefer

Sauron - 20-10-2007 at 13:36

Never mind, I got the file. And my spyware scans are all negative. I didn't run the AV yet but that gets done automatically daily.

But thanks for the offer.

sebinou - 20-10-2007 at 22:53

In fact, I tried it by myself to be sure it was OK. And I also got that idiotic malware but I didn't care...

BTW, in the future I will put my files only on my 4shared folder.
So, if there are problems with that site, it's better to warn me asap.

Thank you.

Sauron - 21-10-2007 at 01:31

I will go access my own 4shared folder and see if the stupid lotto thing pops up again (it has never done before on my folder.) and I will let you know.

JohnWW - 23-10-2007 at 10:14

Here is another one on the same subject which I previously uploaded:
2,935 Kb

smuv - 23-10-2007 at 13:33

I think that Heidi Klum quote in the intro is really really odd.