Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Questions from a new guy

Slimz - 18-9-2007 at 08:05

Ok im new and have some questions..

First of all I have been in to chemistry for some time and have had some success in projects involving some degree of complexety. I find that understanding what is you are doing realy helps youy do it better.

First qiestion is, if im asking a specific question like "what would be a good polar solvent to extract an alkaloid from dried, powdered plant mater". is that the correct way to ask it?? (answer here would be ethynol or water)

Are there any "Taboo" subjects of discussion such as drugs, explosives, etc??

Phosphor-ing - 18-9-2007 at 08:36

No subject is "Taboo" so to say. But if you want to lose respect with the members or get banned don't ask; "How do I make this ___________ easily and cheaply?" Fill in the blank with drugs of abuse or bomb type.

A good polar solvent is Water.:)

After reading your post again I realize you were asking about the format of your question. That question couldn't be answered very effectively unless you were to state the plant your referring to.

[Edited on 18-9-2007 by Phosphor-ing]

Slimz - 18-9-2007 at 08:43

yeah im a little past " teach me to make _ _ _ _ _"

I do my own research but its always nice to have a brain to pick...

But i was wondering if it was OK to discuss something like extracting mescaline from cactus, or making a thermite, etc... Intelligently ...

im using ethanol (ever-clear) here because i need to evaporate it later :)

Sauron - 18-9-2007 at 08:50


That's precisely the wrong sort of phytochemistry to be interested in.

Phosphor-ing - 18-9-2007 at 08:51

Thermite has been beaten to death here. As for the mescaline question, you have to keep the subject on the chemistry side of things. If it's clear your picking ours brains for getting high or sales then the topic is no longer appropriate and will be sent to Detritus.

Slimz - 18-9-2007 at 09:05

my interest are not getting high or profit, my interests are in (hopeful) finding new alkaloids or other natural substances, and experimenting with them..

There are millions of naturally occurring substances out there to play with that haven't been touched...

The reason I asked in the first place is that many of the process I may use to extract/ purify a substance would most likely be similar to those used in the clandestine kitchens. I could care less about mescaline it was just an example... whats the point in experimenting if you're already sure of your result...

I guess the end result here is that as long as its chemistry, and not clearly clandestine, it's kosher...

Sauron - 18-9-2007 at 09:13

It was a bad choice of example.

Go to the forum library and avail yourself of several books on essential oils, plant chemistyr etc.

There's a start for you.

You might consider learning something about seperation science since no solvent is going to extract only what you want.

Slimz - 18-9-2007 at 09:32

yeah thats what i want to learn...

i know about polar and non polar solvents, freebase and oils and salts, im wanting to get more into separation of specific substances.. I must say that i have learned allot about chemistry from clandestine publications, because they are so readily available, and when it comes down to it, its all chemistry...

Ill hit the library and see what i can learn.

sorry for the bad examples...

Sauron - 18-9-2007 at 09:40

Often "clandestine publications" are full of shit. Forget all that junk and read real chemistry, there's a LOT of it.

And it IS easy to access for free. I have maybe 30-40 CD-ROMs full of (mostly organic) texts, books, references, journals, etc. All of it off the Internet or FTP sites or the forum library. Total cost limited to time, the blank CDs and the jewel cases to store them in.

Trash your anarchist-cookbook type rubbish. That stuff is written by idiots for bigger idiots.

[Edited on 19-9-2007 by Sauron]