Originally posted by MadHatter
This is what truly exists in what's supposed to be a free country. It's almost as bad
here in the states. I didn't "count my blessings" when I was busted for having the audacity
to defend myself with a gun. All of my guns were stolen by the police. They were supposed
to have been returned to a family member but never were. The only thing I got was a jail
sentence and a lecture from the judge on the "evils" of owning guns ! FUCK THEM !
Oh, BTW, a friend had called the local wankers to report vandalism on his car. Upon
arrival, Deputy Dogshit took down a report and then informed my friend that the
plastic cover on his license plate was illegal because the reflection interferes with
red light cameras ! The fucking cop was more concerned about that plastic than the
damage to my friends car !
The cops around here are not friends to anybody ! |