solo - 4-7-2007 at 08:10
After looking through the google findings I'm not able to conclude any method to chlorinate C6H5-CH2-CH2-CH2-OH (3-phenylpropan-1-ol) I've thought of
using thionly chloride, however not sure of what the conditions are and solvent to use and the after extraction of the chlorinated compound.
Any assistance to resolve this is appreciated, as I have a cousin of this compound needing the same cure................I have a gut feeling that a
chlorinated solvent should be used i.e. chloroform or DCM, but the the isolation of the produced compound, not sure, might precipitate out with
acetone or the hard to find ethyl ether .......I know "experiment is king"....I just want to avoid waste of material .......solo
Isomeric_Fred - 4-7-2007 at 15:25
i havent looked solo, but cyanuric chloride might be good for your needs. AFAIK it is excellent in chlorinating alcohols.
Thionyl chloride is a nasty bugger, and if you look at orgsyn u will find several refs using it on alcohols of various structures. usually a 4-10mol
eq of thionyl chloride is used, and it is advisable to use a vapor trap with NaOH or other suitable compound to catch and render the SO2 gas that will
be given off non toxic.
Sandmeyer - 5-7-2007 at 15:11
You can use neat SOCl2, just remove it at the pump after the rxn and you will have the chloride.