Depends what kind of help. For example, if you have any disease, my advice is to stop all activities. Eating, drinking, watching, anything sexual,
walking, talking, touching electronics or any device... Under these conditions all diseases and pains dissappear, and your sinuses become uncloged,
pus dissappears from all sick body parts. Of course you have to remove cause of cause, then cause of cause, and up to first cause, but do not
For example you can't do that through anger, fear, boredom, negativity, or any suffering. Only bad things can happen from bad things. Find some
positivity, like another dimension, luck, immortality... Find meaning in life.
Saying just "you should do that and everything will be ok" is not enough. But if you find what is your cause of let's say overeating, then you can
remove that cause. Most common cause is boredom. But it could be anything, like lack of something, excess of something, suboptimal conditions.
For example if you try to find love of life aka wife, through boredom, you will divorce soon, for exact same reason - boredom.
I mean we are live beings, and we depend on emotions, well-being, optimal conditions. For example you can't do anything just through hard work.
Because that "hard work" will have to be sooner or later interrupted by sleep, if not something worse like disease or some enemy.
Time is our enemy. Hope you understand everything here. And so this does not be considered off topic or detritus, I will answer your topic below.
My advice is potassium. It has just enough radiation for begginers, and is used for beginners. It contains enough K-40 to be measured, used for small
experiments, etc.
Buy or just collect from ashes large quantity of potassium, there are many sources.
[Edited on 22-7-2018 by j_sum2] |