Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Getting warning "website is not secure. Logins may be comprimised" on login page

RogueRose - 25-6-2018 at 21:44

When I go to either the HTTP or HTTPS login page, when I click on the password field I get a warning that there is a problem with the site, or the connection to the site. I haven't gotten this message on any other web pages or forums and I had to re-login to all of them today as I rebooted. I am not able to access Newegg for some reason, saying something similar that the site isn't secure and not trusted.

I'm using Firefox on Linux, all updates and security "patches/fixes" installed. Scans show my system is clear, though I don't know how to detect a MITM attack (man in the middle) which I find really odd to be targeted on this site and not others.

I've connected with 3 other browsers (Chrome, Opera, Safari) and none give a warning and connect to Newegg. I do have security plugins on Firefox which are supposed to detect MITM, forged site SSL cert's and other measures so that worries me that this browser is picking this up.

This could mean that there is someone trying to intercept user data on this site, the site is targeted, as IDK why none of the other sites I have to log into would be issuing the warning.

Just thought I would post this in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

Loptr - 26-6-2018 at 11:16

Nope, and I only use the SSL site.

It more likely that it's on your end.

diddi - 26-6-2018 at 14:35

yeh i have no issue, and i have very tight security. check your antivirus has not had an application update and changed a setting. there is also a setting in firefox that will cause those sorts of errors

RogueRose - 26-6-2018 at 18:46

Quote: Originally posted by diddi  
yeh i have no issue, and i have very tight security. check your antivirus has not had an application update and changed a setting. there is also a setting in firefox that will cause those sorts of errors

Hmmm. I had a feeling it might be FF but I haven't installed anything or made changes in over a year (except core linux system upgrades, which I think updates FF as needed).

This is the thing I hate about computers that they can start acting wonky for no reason. I guess it is time for a complete reinstall after almost 4 years on the same OS! That is a record for me, I used to re-install Windows about every 4-6 months when I was doing tech support and now with Linux, I do much more work but the system has been more reliable, faster and still booting in 4-8 seconds after 4 years! My Windows machines were taking 30-60 seconds to boot even with the fastest PCI-E SSD cards (which were the OS drives). There just seems to be something wrong with MS OS's that Linux and Apple just don't have the same issues with.

diddi - 26-6-2018 at 22:08

yes MS OS do slow fairly quickly. i get about 12 months out of an install.

roXefeller - 27-6-2018 at 18:00

I've been using Firefox on Linux often, recently, and I'm not seeing it.