I actually tried this before. The acetone has a habit of evaporating off, since it's in the top layer. You might consider using isopropanol to start
with rather than acetone. It gets oxidized by Cl2 into acetone, and as such, is always at a low enough concentration that it doesn't form a layer.
Isopropanol can be salted out too, but not as easily, and probably not if your water/NaCl solution is low-ish. It also keeps the acetone in the
vicinity of the anode, which is where the hypochlorite would be forming. I think I worked it out that it's about 20% more energy if you start with
isopropanol compared to acetone.
Also, you'll just end up with a mess at the beginning if you run it in a neutral solution, and could easily end up with chloroacetone, which is a
potent tear gas. So definitely add some NaOH right at the beginning to get things going.