In my defense, what we have here, in my opinion, is not a classic metal/O2 battery, but a related lesser known rendition with (well, at least prior to
revision, see Thesis link below) the same anodic half reaction cited in the Al/O2 battery.
For those interested, one of my favorite thesis is from 2008, "Alkaline dissolution of aluminum: surface chemistry and subsurface interfacial
phenomena", by Saikat Adhikari, link:
I believe a similar electrochemical reaction scheme is occuring with Magnesium. Some extracts of interest for the brave, to quote:
"In addition to being a primary corrosion process, dissolution behavior of aluminum and its alloys in alkaline solutions is of
considerable interest because it is the anode reaction in aluminum-air batteries.[4] ......The anodic half-reaction at the Al electrode
Al + 4 OH − → Al (OH)4− + 3 e− (1.1)
which exhibits an electrode potential of -2.35 V in alkaline solutions(vs. NHE).
"2 Al + 6 H2O → 2 Al (OH)3 + 3 H2 (1.2)"
....."dissolution of aluminum in alkaline solutions at open-circuit also leads extremely high rates of H-absorption into the metal,
[9-14] ".....
"Another study of the dissolution of aluminum in aqueous solutions by Perrault revealed that the open circuit potential of aluminum
in strongly alkaline solutions corresponds closely to the Nernst potential for oxidation of aluminum hydride to aluminate ions [25]
AlH3 + 7 OH− (aq) → Al (OH)4− + 3 H2O ( aq ) + 6 e− (1.3)
This suggests a role of surface aluminum hydride as a reaction intermediate in the dissolution process. Additional evidence for the
presence of aluminum hydride was provided by Despic and co-workers.[26, 27] They found that aluminum hydride formation was one of
the major processes apart from aluminum dissolution and hydrogen evolution, during the cathodic polarization of aluminum. Titanium
corrosion in alkaline solutions is also thought to proceed through a hydride mediated mechanism.[28-30] "
"He found that the open-circuit potential in strongly alkaline media was determined by the equilibrium of the reaction
AlH3 + 7 OH− (aq) → Al (OH )4- + 3 H2O ( aq ) + 6 e− (3.7)
He obtained a standard chemical potential of 25 kcal/mol for AlH3 from his data, which was in reasonable agreement with prior
thermochemical calculations done by Sinke et al who obtained a value of 11.1 kcal/mol for the chemical potential.[80] ...."
"The anodic reaction 3.7 is accompanied by the cathodic reduction of water to form hydrogen
H2O + e- → OH- + H (3.8)
and the reaction of hydrogen with aluminum to from hydride
Al + 3 H → AlH3 (3.9)"
So, a bit technical but related half cell reactions I would guess for the likes of Magnesium.
One should accept that if some electric current is generated in situ, it is possible for electrons to be solvated in an appropriate organic medium.
This could lead to the decomposition of associated organics, resulting in the release of Potassium. Note, even in aqueous settings, long ago there are
reports of unexplained reactions of various salts with Mg metal, including converting nitrate into nitrite and finally ammonia (see, for example, p.
314 at "Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science, Volumes 87-88, 1903, p. 312-316, link: ).
[Edit] Here is an interesting article citing a temperature and Magnesium alloy presence associated with hydride formation: "absorption of hydrogen by
magnesium based alloys", in METAL 2014, link:
This short discussion on preparing the Mg for interaction with H2 may be of value:
[Edited on 24-5-2017 by AJKOER]
[Edited on 24-5-2017 by AJKOER] |