Nitrates are oxidising agents, nitrites are reducing agents. If possible, you can buy NaNO2 as a meat curer, and if you live within the EU, you should
be able to easily order it from the UK - I’ve never had any trouble purchasing it in pure form (>99% food grade).
If you do manage to get your hands on some NaNO2, then be careful because it will react with most acids to produce clouds of NO2 which is highly
poisonous and smells really strongly like sharp bleach. When adding your acid to the NaNO2, do it dropwise and cool it down to below 10 degrees C,
preferably between 0 and 5 to avoid releasing clouds of red-brown NO2 if your solutions are concentrated; I’ve done this countless times at room
temperature using dilute solutions of nitrite and acid with whatever I’m trying to react, mainly making nitrite esters and performing Sandmeyer