Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Google's search results have changed drastically!

RogueRose - 16-4-2018 at 09:32

So there use to be some searches I would do and I knew about where the company would come up for a specific chemical. the results now show completely different company names, alot are expensive companies like sigma, fischer, colepalmer, as well as lots of foreign companies like alibaba, indiamart, etc. I looked 5-6 pages deep and the companies aren't listed anymore and even ebay results are often missing. This new algo really sucks and it seems to be a good time to move to a different search engine.

Has anyone else noticed a change in their results?

All in all I think the results are horrible now.

[Edited on 4-16-2018 by RogueRose]

Ubya - 16-4-2018 at 09:59

how is this topic connected to "reagents and apparatus acquisition"?

MrHomeScientist - 16-4-2018 at 10:02

Because he's trying to acquire reagents and apparatus from online suppliers?

I haven't noticed anything, but then again I don't do such searches very often. eBay and Amazon are surprisingly good sources for things!

VSEPR_VOID - 16-4-2018 at 11:50

I use DuckDuckGo as a search engine. I use to use Ecosia until I found at the trees they were planting were being donated; charity is counter to Darwinism.

Texium - 16-4-2018 at 11:57

Quote: Originally posted by VSEPR_VOID is counter to Darwinism.
Do you go out of your way to throw such bizarre and off-topic assertions into your posts? It's like the German chemists thing all over again.

[Edited on 4-16-2018 by Texium (zts16)]

zed - 16-4-2018 at 14:18

Yup! My searches go "tits up" all the time.

In the constantly shifting morass of the WEB, stuff just seems to disappear.

A lot of that, is intentional.

The big boys are constantly vying for "first up-man-ship"

They have hired programmers, who insure, that their client's WEB site, pops up first... and loads the fastest.

Things I like, I send myself a link via e-mail. Only way to get back to OZ.

RogueRose - 16-4-2018 at 15:07

well there were some sites that came up all the time when I did searches for some specific chemicals, specifically calcium acetate. There was one shop that was always on the first page of results, since probably 2008 or so, and now I can't find it anywhere nore the 3-4 other sites that were always on the first page for that search. That is some major re-arrainging. It would be one thing if this was just one site dropping off the first page, but I couldn't find any of the 4, 6 pages deep!

zed - 16-4-2018 at 15:44

Check your browser for diversion.

The computer I am using, is in a network. When the system was upgraded a while back, it became impossible to conduct reasonable searches.

Even though it appeared I was using Google, I was not. During the upgrade, the search engine was sneakily hijacked. I was instantly being diverted to another search engine, and it was non-obvious. This alternate engine was wildly useless.

It took months to get things straightened out again. Initially a Google type screen showed up, but Google was actually no longer selected as the default browser. After the first entry, I was shuffled off into search limbo.

Back in the old days, Microsoft used to pull such shenanigans. Whenever they upgraded your system, which they would do without your permission or desire..... They would also completely cripple Netscape. Thereby, forcing you to either use Explorer, or to totally reinstall Netscape.

Perhaps Yahoo is the culprit. Root it out, and Delete it.

[Edited on 16-4-2018 by zed]

[Edited on 16-4-2018 by zed]

[Edited on 16-4-2018 by zed]

VSEPR_VOID - 16-4-2018 at 17:06

There are not that many chemical suppliers so it might be best to not use google at all. Just search each site individually. Google needs to make money and so will push the bigger companies like google and ebay much more than anything else. I also would think that for most people that is what they are looking for.

phlogiston - 17-4-2018 at 12:30

For products from Sigma-Aldrich, it might also be related to their recent namechange to 'Merck'.
It has become a lot of trouble finding products or good substitutes for things that I used to order from Sigma-Aldrich.

zed - 17-4-2018 at 17:55

Companies come and go, as do the posters here.

Hopefully, they don't fold up their tent and leave town, owing you money, and/or a shipment.

Might have to start from scratch, and assemble a new list of suppliers.

I like e-bay and PayPal. I get my stuff, and in a timely manner. Guaranteed!

Sending off money to strangers, is one of my least favorite things. Even worse than sending off money to folks you know. I have trust issues.