Inaccordance with this method a small amount of water is added to the solvent used for treating the reaction mix ture of sodium borohydride and sodium
methoxide to dissolve the sodium borohydride. The water reacts with some of the impurities to form an insoluble solid. While this method increases the
purity of the product it does not produce a product having a sufliciently high purity for many uses. It has been known that the purity of sodium
borohydride can be increased somewhat by recrystallization from water to obtain crystals of sodium borohydride dihydi'ate (NaBH -2H O). This method of
purification does not produce the results desired and a substantial loss results since sodium borohydride is hydrolyzed rapidly in water. The
dihydrate must be dehydrated by costly vacuum drying since the commercial form of sodium borohydride must be anhydrous.