Oh right, I would’ve thought that sodium hydroxide would’ve been involved somewhere along the line. When I think decarboxylation, I imagine that
CO2 is removed as a carbonate like Shiva mentioned during a dry distillation. R-COONa + NaOH + heat -> Na2CO3 + 2 R-H. Maybe try this method out?
If you don’t have access to NaOH then it can be produced from the carbonate by heating. Acidifying the methylamine after distillation will help with
workup because it can be re/crystallised, the CO2 and subsequent carbonic acid becomes a non-issue as it is displaced by e.g. HCl, and the salt is a
convenient form to store. Maybe I will give this sort of thing a go, I believe I have some lysine lying around somewhere so I can make
1,5-diaminopentanoic acid. |