Sciencemadness Discussion Board


vulture - 27-1-2007 at 10:08

I am noticing an increase in excessively large pictures being posted within posts which distort the forum format as a consequence.

For the sake of that and for people on dialup, constrain your images to 800x600. Not knowing how to do that is no excuse and failure to comply will have your picture removed.

Thank you

12AX7 - 27-1-2007 at 15:29

-Instead of outright removing the pictures, just remove the [img]-ness so it gets hyperlinked (unless this is what you implied). That's what I do on forums I moderate.


[Edited on 1-27-2007 by 12AX7]

chemoleo - 27-1-2007 at 19:44

Well, less so the problem of dialup, but more so a problem of screen resolution.
This is because the attachment featured was reconfigured to display pictures inline. That's why they are suddenly all over the place, making threads almost unreadable unless one possesses a 3200x2000 pixels monitor or such.
I've already resized a number of images, and re-edited them back in. Post here for threads that contain super-sized images, and I (we?)'ll resize them.

The_Davster - 27-1-2007 at 21:04

How does everyone else resize photos while retaining quality? I usually do it in paint, but I know some quality is sacrificed.

Ozone - 27-1-2007 at 21:22

Photoshop! Image>Image size; increase the resolution (from std. say, 72 to ~150 pixels/inch) then resize the image. This prevents the loss of too many pixels during the resizing process. Care must be taken that you do not produce the world's first 20M postage stamp:D.

Oh yes, when saving .jpg always select highest (12) quality (the tiny bubbles or sparks might be really important on this forum).

Hope that helps,


[Edited on 28-1-2007 by Ozone]

Magpie - 27-1-2007 at 22:38

I don't know if my images are of high quality or not but this is how I now handle my pictures: I upload from the camera into my limited features version of Paint Shop. Then I move it to Microsoft's "Picture It" for resizing and saving.

12AX7 - 27-1-2007 at 23:17

I use L-View Pro, a really old version, for my image editing. I rarely have to do anything beyond crop, resize, gamma, contrast, color balance and filtering (sharpen/blur/etc.), so it's quite sufficient. It's old so there's little overhead and it's easy to use.


chromium - 28-1-2007 at 03:23

Originally posted by Ozone
Oh yes, when saving .jpg always select highest (12) quality (the tiny bubbles or sparks might be really important on this forum).

There is rarely need to save with highest quality. Something like 80% of maximum possible is usually best choice because higher quality gives very little additional sharpnes but makes files much slower to download/upload. In Photoshop use "Sharpen" after resizing to get all small details visible.

There is lot of software available for resizing or croping images (croping is also very usefull because usally most of picture area does not contain anything important or interesting).

After very short search i found one piece of freeware that can be used to convert pics to smaller sizes. I tested it and it works. If you install it, it places option "Photo gadget picture resize" to your right click menu on Windows Explorer. It's very easy to use and there is probably a lot of similar freeware available.

[Edited on 28-1-2007 by chromium]

Attachment: download-photogadget11.exe.exe (355kB)
This file has been downloaded 1922 times

vulture - 28-1-2007 at 11:54


-Instead of outright removing the pictures, just remove the [img]-ness so it gets hyperlinked (unless this is what you implied). That's what I do on forums I moderate.

1) I am lazy.
2) I have a life outside this forum.
3) I enjoy deleting stuff.
4) It's just a matter of decency. I am not the personal babysit and trainer of every forum user. If you don't know how to properly use a PC, stay the fuck away from it or LEARN.
5) Some images are posted as attachments and thus can only be removed to "cure" the issue.

[Edited on 28-1-2007 by vulture]

Ozone - 28-1-2007 at 14:11

[Something like 80% of maximum possible is usually best choice because higher quality gives very little additional sharpnes but makes files much slower to download/upload. In Photoshop use "Sharpen" after resizing to get all small details visible.

Yes, but, once I have reduced an image size from say, 27" to 6-7" (constrained ratio), I don't want it to drop pixels on compression. At 80%, it will probably be difficult to tell unless you really zoom the pic. Sometimes "sharpen" as a quick fix filter works, but I find that it has a tendency to pixelate interfaces where highly contrasted regions collide.

$0.02 worth,


12AX7 - 28-1-2007 at 20:18

Hmm, eight backspace keypresses isn't enough huh. Who here would've thought I would be a better moderator than the renouned vulture.


Fleaker - 29-1-2007 at 13:10

I know I'm guilty of this; I'll sort it out sometime soon. I've been meaning to get them off of image shack anyways and upload them onto SMDB, (I'll need chemoleo's help on that one :) )

vulture - 29-1-2007 at 15:02


Hmm, eight backspace keypresses isn't enough huh. Who here would've thought I would be a better moderator than the renouned vulture.

Ofcourse you're a better moderator. That's because I'm not a moderator. I'm an administrator.

In other words: Nice try baiting the vulture smartass.

chemoleo - 29-1-2007 at 18:13

I repeat again, if there are pictures that are too large, and you personally cannot edit your post containing them anymore, then post the thread ID/link here, and I and/or others will edit them.
This is a problem that's been bugging me too, and I am willing to put the time in to sort it out.

For the future, I think it goes without saying that images should be at most 800x600 pixels if attached or displayed inline. To show high res images, post the html link instead of encapsulating it in HTML tags (i.e. without [ img] [ /img]), and that will too work with images located on the SMDB FTP server.

Yes, Magpie, I'll get cracking on your remaining pictures now.
And Fleaker, do upload here locally (or everyone else concerned). Imageshack doesn't keep the images forever, and it is most annoying to see an old thread that used to have beautiful pictures to see them replaced by some 404 error.

To find instructions for local pic upload (SMDB ftp), go here:

Ozone - 29-1-2007 at 18:31

Thank you for you hard work, Chemoleo!

I'm putting up a site soon (where my pics will stay, probably until either I die, or forget to pay the bill....death it is), and I'll host from there (but, until then, 800 X 600 it is).



[Edited on 30-1-2007 by Ozone]

Waffles - 29-1-2007 at 18:35

Dear SMDB denizens,

It's not the best website in the world, but you can upload lots and lots of stuff for free, sort it into albums, and best of all you choose the size you want, both dimensions and file size, when you upload anything. And, you can upload lots of pictures at the same time. Not perfect nor super professional, but easy and hassle-free. Word.

chemoleo - 29-1-2007 at 18:38

Dear everyone,

please do not.
because these sites do NOT keep the pictures forever.
Old threads will lose their worth if the pictures are gone!
So please, use the facilities provided!

Iamthewaffler - please, think about it!

The_Davster - 29-1-2007 at 18:54

Where are the pictures posted as attachments stored?

I admit I am guilty of a few thread stretches since the software change causing attachemnts to be displayed inline. Old ones of mine did this. If anyone finds any of these let me know.

chemoleo - 29-1-2007 at 19:34

They are stored locally too, as part of the forum software, as far as I can tell. This is because the forum backup provided neat attachemnt downloads for any type of attachments. It'd also make little sense to store them completely outside the webhoster service. But Polv will know for sure.

Polverone - 29-1-2007 at 20:06

Yes, attachments are stored as part of the database, so they get backed up whenever I download a DB copy.

Waffles - 29-1-2007 at 21:27

Originally posted by chemoleo
Dear everyone,

please do not.
because these sites do NOT keep the pictures forever.
Old threads will lose their worth if the pictures are gone!
So please, use the facilities provided!

Iamthewaffler - please, think about it!

I guess not forever, but pictures that I uploaded more than FOUR YEARS ago are still sitting on my photobucket because I don't care enough to remove them. That's just about as old as SM, no?
You say 'these sites' like you know them all. I agree that hosts in general are temporary, but if people haven't appreciated (and downloaded if they are interested) these images in several years...I don't know what you're expecting.

I was just posting it as a recommendation for people who don't know how to do the most basic operations on ANY graphics editing program. And honestly, if you can't figure out how to resize a goddamn jpeg, then your images probably aren't worth anyone's time anyways.

cyberzed - 30-1-2007 at 11:53

A good tool i have used over the years to make high resolution foto's in to small 800x600 picture is "picture resizer"
I is a small executable which u can put on your desktop or where it fits u best.
There you have it, resizing has become just a glitch, just drag a high resolution picture on it and it will be resized by the executable to a 800x600 format with suprisingly little quality loss, ready to upload to your favorite website ....

you can download the picture resizer here:

DeAdFX - 4-4-2007 at 10:14

Type irfanview in google search engine.
Download irfanview [its free]
End discussion

It may not be as versatile as the other programs but it does an excellent job of resizing and what not...

Resizing Pictures and Image Editing How To

franklyn - 8-4-2007 at 15:05

For Windows XP this is as easy as it can possibly be , install Windows Image Resize Power Toy
right click any number of pictures of mixed format , select "Resize Pictures" from the right click
menu and in the following dialog box assign the desired size to all. 640 X 480 , 800 X 600 and
1024 X 768 are standard choices or choose advanced to enter some other as you would with
MS-Paint. A resized exact copy is produced inside the same folder along with the original. The
sizes given are just frameworks into which the largest dimension of your original will be fitted.
To easily obtain a closer fit to a standard size first rotate 90° with MS Picture and Fax viewer.
then rotate the copy made back upright 90°. Find it here listed on the right side column _
Direct download here _

Already mentioned above Irfanview is an image viewer and editor that can resize as well as
alter color, contrast, brightness, and gamma. If you scan pictures slightly off square you can
rotate the image by one degree increments as well as sharpen the text if its blurry or of any
photo. Select " Image " from the tool bar then " Image " > " Effects Browser " > then select
" Sharpen " from the list to correct blurriness by adjusting the numerical amount which is then
default menu option. Your original remains untouched and you can re-open it from " File " to
scrap all changes made. It also removes red-eye from snapshots and serves as a rudimentary
video player. See the bottom of the FAQ's page for tutorials.

Paint.NET is another level above in sophistication, the latest version 3.05 just now available.
I still have version 2.5 and I have yet to use it since I installed it. Also requires MS NET 2.0 to be
installed to function, get that here _
Paint.Net home page
download Paint.Net here _

The ultimate feature rich image editor that in many ways approximates Photoshop and also
other animation rendering software is GIMP Get this if you missed your calling as a
graphic artist. Available here _ _ and here _
See installation requiremenets _

An application I have found useful is AbsoluteDeNoiser , this removes with digital filtering
the " graininess " and noise sometimes present in pictures. After processing ( and the default
settings are perfectly fine in many instances ) the cleaned image can only be saved in *png
format which is equal to *.bmp, so you will need MS-Paint at least to convert this to a *jpg
I must say the interface is a pain to use since only one picture can be accessed at a time
from a " Browse " menu and the program has to be closed to begin again. But like all the
software I reviewed here its free and Photoshop can do no better.


Rosco Bodine - 26-4-2007 at 00:05

Originally posted by chemoleo
Well, less so the problem of dialup, but more so a problem of screen resolution.
This is because the attachment featured was reconfigured to display pictures inline. That's why they are suddenly all over the place, making threads almost unreadable unless one possesses a 3200x2000 pixels monitor or such.
I've already resized a number of images, and re-edited them back in. Post here for threads that contain super-sized images, and I (we?)'ll resize them.

Okay here's one that's 1500 pixels wide ....
3 times the 500 pixels it should be . 500 pixels wide
is where it will have to be limited to not interfere with the
existing frames for text .

Some folks were asking about image editing software .
Adobe photoshop is what I have and it works good ,
does just about anything . Mine came free with a
hard drive I got some years ago , an actual legal
freebie CD "limited edition" idea what the retail
stuff costs .

[Edited on 28-4-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

Sauron - 26-4-2007 at 01:13

Photoshop is expensive for the fukll version.

ACDSee is just fine for resizing jpgs and I think can be had as shareware.

Go to and you can find a lot of stuff that will work.

woelen - 27-4-2007 at 14:42

As already mentioned before, go for GIMP. This is really good, and it is free:

All pictures on my website were processed with GIMP. It allows scaling, using cubic splines, followed by subsequent sharpening. The resulting images are really good and it is easy to do. There is no excuse to post extremely large images, nor sacrificing image quality, when scaling down.

Use of MS-Paint is simply terrible. That totally sucks. It cripples your images and makes them unsuitable for web-publishing (or even any other purpose).

Photoshop also is a very nice software package, but I prefer GIMP, simply because it is free and open source. I encourage others to use open source as well, there are many good pieces of software out there.

12AX7 - 27-4-2007 at 19:49

I use L-View Pro 1.D2/32. Old, and small. A shame it doesn't do bilinear (or other) filtering on scaling.

A popular freeware program is Irfanview, which I think is available for most OSes.

Incidentially Woelen, I use MS Paint for my electronics schematics. :)


Chris The Great - 28-4-2007 at 12:56

Bittorrent will satisfy all your needs for expensive editing programs.

I find the more advanced programs do a better job, since they also allow you to compress images as well. I would normally resize the image, and then would compress to the point where it would not be noticable in quality when saving (I never edited the original image files). This provided images of 800x600 resolution, around 80kB in size, so not only did they fit screens nicely, dialup users weren't murdered by them. Of course, I got a new computer and have not since replaced that program, so I'm usually around 350kB atm.

Rosco Bodine - 28-4-2007 at 13:52

Actually the images should be held to something less than 800X600 to allow margin for the usual toolbar encroachments , which otherwise will result in scrollbar equipped images .

Many people use a vertical right margin desktop toolbar as opposed to the horizontal . Vertical scrolling is never
any issue since that is conventional layout regardless of
screen resolution settings , to have the page scroll vertically , as if it was a virtual printout on linked paper .

It is fully the image width alone which causes a problem ,
when it becomes a horizontal panorama wider than about 670 pixels on a standard width monitor which
is set for the standard web browsing display width
of 800 , by 600 vertical .

80% of full display width is what somebody said was
about right , and that would be 640 pixels which is
even a little less than what I was guessing just looking at it , not putting a scale across my screen and doing
the math .

The only way an 800 by 600 image would display without
scrollbars appearing is in full screen mode , which is a
nuisance to accommodate unless that full resolution is
especially required for clarity on some engineering drawing or something . So don't even get the idea
that 800 X 600 is the usual recommended image width , when that is the *maximum* rendering capability for that particular viewing environment where the image will be displayed , you only want to use that maximum for a CAD display or something that is the exception , and not the rule . An ordinary viewed image for informal ordinary
web displayed pictures should be only ~80% of that 800 ,
to avoid having to scroll it horizontally or go to full screen mode .

I just scaled my own screen , and 8% of the 800 pixels full
width is oocupied by the toolbar , vertical on the side of the screen , so that leaves at ~90% 720 pixels maximum for the page display , in the 800 by 600 resolution display setting .

But the way Polverone has the margins set for the formatting
of messages , the active and viewed part of the window where typed messages appear is much smaller , only about
500 pixels .

So really , any images over about 500 pixels in width will disturb the existing text formatting . I just put a transparent
scale over my own display and measured these .

So the fact is , to avoid disturbing the text formatting , because of the fixed amounts of screen width already
spent on borders and other fixed quantity columns ,
the actual available width for posting images that will not
encroach on other screen real estate is closer to 500 pixels
width than it is close to 800 pixels .

I think I measured everything pretty close and these numbers are about right .

Has anybody actually posted a few test images to see exactly where the limiting pixel width occurs that begins
to disturb the text formatting ?

Update : Confirmation on the 500 pixel width limit is
already available in a sample picture that was posted by Polverone in the first post in the file attachments thread
where he posted a test image having a 480 pixel width ,
which almost fills the width of the text formatted window .

Here's the page link

I scaled it and it looks like 505 pixels is the line to line
width of the undisturbed text window , so for a nice round
number of 500 pixels width is *exactly* the limit where the image width should be set for attached images to prevent disturbing the text formatting window width for messages .

So .....500 pixels width limit looks like the magic number .

[Edited on 28-4-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

woelen - 29-4-2007 at 10:23

On my website most images are 500x667 pixels and that allows good detail, without the need to scroll horizontally. Most people nowadays have at least 1024 horizontal resolution, many people even have 1280 or more. The size in kBytes usually is between 30 and 50 kBytes, which even is acceptable for dial-up connections. I must admit though that the animations in my website are much larger, but one simply cannot make good animations within just 100 kByte or so.

Rosco Bodine - 29-4-2007 at 12:25

I have a 19" high resolution monitor , 1920 x 1440 , .20 mm dot pitch , but it is entirely beside the point what resolution capability you have , when as a general rule by far the conventional web browsing is setup for 800X600 resolution desktop setting , as that is the best tradeoff for legible size of printed material , in mixture with images . 800X600 is just pretty much the screen size selected for general use . But remember that is the total screen real estate in full screen mode , and the actual available viewing area within a normal displayed and framed page is only a smaller box , displayed as an active portion of that 800X600 pixel space .

Here is what 480 pixels wide looks like .

Here is what 500 pixels wide looks like . See how the image
is just approaching the limit of the borders for the frame in which the text is appearing ?

<-----------------------------------------------text formatting width----------------------------------------------->

As you can see the text formatting width is at 500 pixels ,
and then the word wrap should occur for the next line .

Posted images are not clipped at the 500 pixel width limit
so that is what screws up the text formatting , where posted images appear in the same "box" as the text .

Another formatting problem is due to the message reply box not being at the same 500 pixel width setting so that its behavior in word wrapping follows precisely that behavior as the displayed message when it is posted . Everybody bitches at me for my strangely formatted messages , when it isn't my fault at all .....but the screwed up forum software ,
which can't match the word wrapping that is done in the reply box where the reply is being typed with what occurs in word wrapping that is actually displayed .

[Edited on 29-4-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

franklyn - 7-5-2007 at 23:45

I believe the issues you raise are attributable to your browser's "view" setting.
specifically the text sizing.
Here is my view at screen resolution of 1152 X 864 on a 20 inch diagonal screen
with text set at default , medium , the pictures appear quite small , about 1/3
the full width of the screen. Note the scroll bar at the right but none below.

You will have to rotate the *.pdf image counterclockwise to the left to view
correctly in the Adobe Acrobate viewer.
Also for some reason you have to download the file by right clicking it and
selecting the "save target as" option, it will not open directly, at least for me.

Attachment: Bodine screen.pdf (170kB)
This file has been downloaded 1504 times

woelen - 8-5-2007 at 01:08

Also for me, the pictures posted by Rosco are quite small and only appr. 60% of the width of the forum's text pane is used up by the images. And then, I even have only a smaller window on my screen, I only use appr. 80% of my total screen width. The monitor I am working on is a 19'' monitor, with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels.

Rosco Bodine - 8-5-2007 at 01:18

I can set my screen to 1152X864 and duplicate that view .
But why do that to accomodate a picture on a website that is 99% text content , when it makes the text difficultly
and uncomfortably readable as the price for displaying
wide images ?

IBM set the SVGA 800X600 standard in ~1996 and
a higher "standard" of 1024X768 came into some use ~2000 , but really for most purposes the old SVGA 800X600 is still better , easier on the eyes . Because even at the largest text size in 1024X768 , the text looks like the ingredients list on the label of an eyedrops bottle ,
and is uncomfortable to the eyes .

Some websites have gone to the newer 1024X768 ,
but many still are formatted for 800X600 and IMO it is
better for anyone who spends much time in front of a screen . 800X600 remains the de facto standard for
most applications including web browsing .

I just tried changing my desktop upwards to 1024X768
and it does add some width to the screen for images and text , but the text legibility suffers to the point that it isn't worth the cost . I tried mixing many different settings ,
but *none* of it was any improvement over 800X600 in
terms of overall utility and comfort of viewing .

The value of the higher resolutions is for detailed graphics
where a great deal of finely detailed imaging needs to be displayed as much as possible on a non scrolling view ,
like a blueprint or CAD drawing for example .....or possibly for image editing or gaming applications in full screen mode , environments where text is not the emphasis ,
but the space is principally dedicated to images .

IMO , in text rich environments 800X600 SVGA is still the better standard and most assuredly so on any screen 19"
or less .

Also , just as a case in point , ironically the article above is
being displayed on a webpage that is not optimized for 800X600 display setting . It has a horizontal scrollbar
on my screen .

In contrast , the next page is formatted perfectly , or is
using an XML capability or JAVA , so that it displays perfectly
on my screen at 800X600 .

Just out of curiosity I entered the address for this page
to see what kind of coding problems might exist .

[Edited on 8-5-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

Sauron - 8-5-2007 at 01:35

I use a 19" flat panel and I agree that 800x600 is the way to go

I have enough trouble with text as it is.

Rosco Bodine - 8-5-2007 at 01:45

These fellows must be wearing lenses the thickness of
coke bottle bottoms :D

Me , nowadays I navigate mostly by smell .

franklyn - 8-5-2007 at 11:26

Funny you should say, I wear reading glasses 1.75 diopter to read on screen
since I would otherwise need the Windows Accessibility Magnifier. It seems
the height of folly to spend $1100 for a monitor that can display natively a
dot pitch of .25 mm at 1600 X 1200 and then view it at one quarter of its
resolution in 800 X 600 VGA standard. I expect in time when you will need
to set your resolution to a 320 X 240 DOS standard you will see the elegance
of my choice.
Given the context however the 480 pixel width can be the standard on this
forum. Optionally uploading as a file or just thumbnails with links will provide
the larger format needed for detail of photocopied or imaged text.


Rosco Bodine - 8-5-2007 at 13:10

You sound like you are about as blind as I am :D
We need a jewelers loupe to read our wristwatch :P

I use 1.75 for onscreen reading , and 2.25 for printed material , even more for fine work on IC's and such .

One of the uses of the large monitors is so that farsighted old people can sit back farther and focus
at a lower diopter ....right ?

W3C compliance supposedly makes a lot of problems disappear , as it displays an adaptable page which provides good viewing for a range of maybe 3 or 4 different resolutions upwards from and including 800X600 .

Indeed it is the height of folly from a technical standpoint
to be viewing a 19" highres monitor at 800X600 because
of software based rendering limitations . But when it comes to M$ , you don't get whatever you thought was so great that was being advertised . Bill's too cheap to hire the best and do it right . That's why it is perpetual
patch and fix and new versions , mostly trying to get it right what wasn't done right in the first place . Windows
is the never finished work in progress modeled after
Howard Hughes spruce goose . It flies just in time to
be superceded by the next version , and then you wait for that to fly right the first time too , observing a vicious cycle that is a money transport from your pocket to Bill's :P The entire rest of the computer industry follows
the same template .....racketeering gone high tech .
Inkjet printer cartridges are a glaring example of a deliberately crippled technology . Reminds me of that
old Steppenwolf song " Pusher Man " .

The resolution issue is also about user AGE , and old eyes , combined with the lack of entirely flexible and convenient font sizing selection in a stepwise manner being provided by many OS's still in use , nearly as old as the users and their old machines ......tens of millions of which are still in everyday use . If the native capability of the OS was what it should be , it would accomplish the same function of the accessibility magnifier seamlessly and automatically , without having to invoke it as a special tool .

I don't get one operating system fully tweaked and
customized to my liking before M$ comes out with a
"new improved" OS .....which until it is in SP3 isn't
generally worth a damn anyway and could be called
a public beta .....until the next time for an upgrade ,
which would probably be more honestly called SP3 .
What incarnation of NT is Vista anyway #9 ? , and will the
new M$ OS's start having roman numerals when they run out of catchy promo names ?

The problem you speak about of not using the monitors capability is OS related . Hell , I haven't even looked into
XP , or even WinME , much less the current bendover BF from M$ "Vista" to see if seamless font scaling is available
without a registry hack . You would think that capability
would be a "DUH" no-brainer for *ANY* OS costing
>$200 as a native capability . One certainly should be able to select fonts on an incremental numerical point sizing , as opposed to merely "small" or "medium" , ect. But M$ in its infinite wisdom hasn't set it up that way .
You can select it that way within word processing apps ,
but not across the entire GUI as a universal setting .
If there's a fix I don't know about there , please tell me
and I'll go up to the 1024X768 , which is almost there
for me but not quite , because of the text size diminution
even at the largest text size setting .

Hold the phone ! I think I may have found it . The font size setting options are possibly there , but the panel for the settings changes has been grayed out on my display properties menu , which has a " hidden layer " of active window "appearance" adjustments I have never noticed before, much less changed .....and maybe this will make the global GUI font size changes I am needing . I am going to try changing the resolution higher again and seeing if the font sizing will go up enough to be equivalent legibility to what I have now . This could take awhile . Looks like video driver and physical monitor settings are also going to have to be made to go along with this change in software setting .

Update#2: After working with different custom font settings
and different higher resolutions and comparing the quality of
icons and text .....I am right back at 800X600 as the optimum
combination , and certainly not for trying many different possible combinations , hoping to find a combination which would allow use of a higher resolution where everything
would still be properly rendered .....but no joy on that .

Hey I don't like it either ....I don't even like still running
Win98 as a base OS on my main drive , and XP on a
boot select ( along with a few tens of millions of other people)....but I'll do that until hell freezes over ,
before I'll spend $10K on "upgraded" OS specific software
every time that a new round of obsoleted good software
is made legacy status by the next offering from Fisher Price , I mean microshaft . The software cartel
can sell it somewhere else .

DOS , like rock and roll ( and Linux ) is here to stay :D

And think about all the portable stuff out there now ,
where the resolution is definitely an issue without some sort of adaptive scaling , because of the small screens
on PDA's and the like or even notebooks . Going too high
on webpage resolutions will cause real headaches there .

[Edited on 8-5-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

woelen - 8-5-2007 at 13:42

What is all this about 800x600 resolution? I use 1280x1024 and at home I use 1440x1152 at a 19'' monitor. You can use scalable fonts of large size to avoid the very small characters. So, I see no reason to stick to 800x600. I simply select larger fonts (150% on Windows XP is fine for me, 16 pt size on Linux KDE desktops also is fine to me). By using larger fonts on high resolution screens you obtain very beautiful smooth characters, and not the pixel-artifacts you have at 800x600.

Rosco Bodine - 8-5-2007 at 14:13

Yeah I just found a previously grayed out scalable font settings panel that I have never used before , which evidently should cure the whole issue . See my update above , but this will take awhile , because there is a sync of adjustments required between the monitor , the video driver , and the software ....all three work together , and I have to spend some time with it . It definitely is not any simple on-the-fly software only settings change on this machine . Screen size borders change , so I have a black border to get rid of , before I can see the actual font size increase .

Update: No joy on the higher resolutions and custom settings for font sizes , menus and icons did not scale to match and everything would not integrate smoothly , the
overall image was inferior to that provided by 800X600 ,
so I am back to the 800X600 as the best overall choice .
The font scaling was looking good and if the icons and menus
had the same flexibility of adjustment ....yeah it would be fine and you could fine tune *any* resolution to "look good" ,
as good as your monitor is capable of showing it . XP probably does it better , and I sometimes boot up XP and use it . I'll check it out later and see if XP fares better at
the higher resolution settings , instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water as 98 does at above 800X600 .

I'll go back and work on 98 again later .....maybe try a few more combinations of menu and icon size settings to try to get the same coordination of icon sizes as seems to occur automatically at 800X600 . It even screwed up the icons in my system tray , and toolbars . It looks like you have to basically redo everything .....not just the fonts , but toolbars , menus , *all* icons , some for which I can't even find a sizing control location , if there even is one . Basically in 98 you have to manually do a resizing of *eveything* to match a different resolution setting , and then save those settings as a custom made "default" display profile optimized for the particular resolution . At higher resolutions it isn't an automatic default display profile like it is for the most part at 800X600 .

[Edited on 8-5-2007 by Rosco Bodine]

franklyn - 8-5-2007 at 17:30

I have for many years been an adherent of Avant Browser. To the extent
that I paid the author $20 in gratitude for this superb freeware. It replaces
Windows Internet Explorer with exceptionally enhanced features which are
continuosly refined in updated versions all customizable by the user such
as multiple simultaneous browser windows ( before there was a firefox ) .
Unlike some evil applications this completely removes itself on demand as
readily as it installs. Something I occasionally use and may meet your needs
is the screen zoom text format feature which does the same thing as
changing the screen resolution but only applies to internet pages and is
easily done from a tool bar drop list in two clicks.
Compare this screen capture attached below to the one I provided above.
Note that in this one a scroll bar is evident on the bottom.
As before, you will have to rotate the *.pdf image counterclockwise to the
left to view correctly in the Adobe Acrobat viewer.
Also for some reason you have to download the file by right clicking it and
selecting the "save target as" option, it will not open directly, at least for me.

the wiki's-
Enter " Avant Browser " with quotation marks into Google to read the raves
The usual sources _

All past iterations available here, I still use V.37

Attachment: AvantBrowserView.pdf (239kB)
This file has been downloaded 1520 times

Rosco Bodine - 8-5-2007 at 18:23

I think the problem is more than just the browser .
A WC3 compliant web page does fare better than the
others , and probably causes fewer browser crashes as
well as rendering more legible pages .

I have a search and destroy program which will actually
do a non-MS approved complete removal of IE to allow
for a clean reinstall or replacement . I think they call it IEradicator .

A couple of warning dialogs appeared while I was resizing things , saying that some of my programs would not display properly with the contemplated resolution
and other changes , giving me a dialogue confirmation to abort or proceed :P , a sure sign that the machine doesn't like what is being done and will only change if dragged kicking and screaming . Anyway I chuckled
when I saw the go/no-go dialogue warning , and thought
what programs exactly was it that might not display properly ....maybe programs like Winblows and Internet Explorer to name the first two of all the programs on the machine , none of which would later display properly ?
Sometimes those dialogue warnings have a gift for understatement ! And on the other hand sometimes they are total BS like an unsigned driver warning when there is only one driver ever written for that particular hardware then what else , but ignore the warning and proceed .

Matchheads - 15-5-2007 at 18:45

It's 'reknowned', as in "Les Brown and his Band of Reknown".

Sauron - 15-5-2007 at 19:42

Sorry, renown is correct. No such word as 'reknown' exists in the English language. If you think otherwise consult the OED (Oxford English Dictionary).

It's how the OED spells it that matters and how how a deceased band leader spelled it that matters, if indeed Les Brown spelled it incorrectly in the first place.

len1 - 27-3-2008 at 23:51 not responding. Is it down?

Polverone - 28-3-2008 at 08:43

The FTP site is still working. It cannot be used without a login, though. You need to use the login name and password scipics.

peach - 10-7-2010 at 22:22

I use imageshack for convenience, as it'll autoresize to forum format. But now I'm writing up photo essay style posts, I am bothered about how long they'll host them for, and will start using the sites own host.

I've used gimp to resize. I'm not sure, but I think it can do batch processing. If not, there's likely a plugin that'll do it. And it's free.

If it's too dark, washed out or the colour balance isn't right, Gimp is handy to clean up a photo quickly. One option I particularly like is to go to 'levels' under (I think) colours on the toolbar, squeeze the side bars in to the edges of the spectrum in the photo, then slide the mid bar around to get it how I want it. Makes a piece of shit look remarkably edible.

For example, I took this fairly standard image of Sarah Jessica Parker

And exposed to the gimp mechanism to get this

[Edited on 11-7-2010 by peach]

Rogeryermaw - 3-10-2010 at 23:40

wow! i didn't think even god could make sarah jessica parker look better than a puddle of vomit that has been shat upon. good work peach!

wait that's not fair. that's harsh to both vomit and feces.

[Edited on 4-10-2010 by Rogeryermaw]