organicchemist25 - 28-3-2017 at 19:42
I was wondering if I am able to know how pure (if fully reacted) my grignard would be? So, when I go to use it in a future step I will know how much
to use. Can it be used in excess? Or would I go off the theoretical? Any tests? Molarity?
Thanks. I am going to be working on a couple different grignards this weekend.
My Grignard in ochem lab II a couple years ago didn't go to well with my lab partner and all we had to do was a write up on the report as to what was
possible mistakes, errors etc. We never got a chance to improve on technique.
byko3y - 28-3-2017 at 20:14
organicchemist25 - 28-3-2017 at 20:23
Thank you. I searched this forum before I posted, but did not hit google on this one. I appreciate the helpful info.