Sciencemadness Discussion Board

'Readily Available Chemicals' censored by Google?

I am a fish - 29-5-2003 at 05:21

I've just noticed that my website, Readily Available Chemicals has gone missing from Google. I'm starting to wonder if Big Brother has forced them to remove it from their archive.

What do other people think?

filters off ?

Organikum - 29-5-2003 at 05:54

Did you turn the Google filters to off in "Google preferences" (what actually still filters content but not on the level of an asexual bible belt inhabitant) ?

I tried it and true: Google declared you to a danger for law order and security of the goverment.

Be proud!

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by Organikum]

a_bab - 29-5-2003 at 07:49

My site has been visited by CIA. Actually, I got CIA IP's classes with this occasion.

I am a fish - 29-5-2003 at 08:54

Originally posted by a_bab
My site has been visited by CIA. Actually, I got CIA IP's classes with this occasion.

What netblock do they use? Their public face (website, E-mail servers, etc) seem to use

My log files only go back a week, and these contained nothing from this block. However I had one from 20th January saved to my harddisk, which logged a single hit from, which allegedly belongs ANS Communications. Too close for comfort? Do I dare nmap it?

Would the CIA really be so stupid as to conduct searches from known IPs? If 9/11 is anything to go by, probably yes.

a_bab - 29-5-2003 at 10:59

Yes, you are right about the IP. Here are some captured screens of the visit. The dumbass tried to find a recipe for TATP using citric acid :P

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by a_bab]

Attachment: (79kB)
This file has been downloaded 933 times

Haggis - 30-5-2003 at 17:22

If three lettered agencies are visiting your sites to check up on you, wouldn't they use public IP's instead of their blocks? Perhaps is was just in a memo and one of the employees thought it to be interesting and checked it out on his own time. I'm interested in how many agency IPs Roguesci their information is inherantly more "dangerous" than our peaceful Science Madness. I see no danger to your chemical listings though, I don't know if there is any problems with it. Congradulations! What an accomplishment!

Its back!

I am a fish - 8-7-2003 at 07:13

Google has now relisted It's possible that the absense was some kind of glitch, or perhaps Google removed the page from their database but doing nothing to prevent their crawler from finding it again (I've heard unsubstantiated rumours that they deliberately do this when someone complains about a page).

reconpresseusa - 6-2-2004 at 19:56

got that same "ans communications" visit to my page today--
