Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Synthesis of propionic acid from 1-propanol

Zock4 - 18-6-2016 at 12:37


I plan to synthesize propionic acid. I read that a primary alcohol like n-propanol can be oxidised by manganese dioxide to the coresponding aldehyde.
An aldehyde can then be oxidised by hydrogen peroxide I've read.
Does anyone have experience/text about these kind of reactions ?
I don't want to mess with chloroform because it's carcinogenic so the Haloform reaction is not an option for me.


Eddygp - 21-6-2016 at 02:37

You posted the same thing before and it went to detritus. There are loads of information about this reaction everywhere.
A simple Google search should take you to it.

Jones oxidation: + CrO3/H2SO4